The Eye of The White Tiger

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Chapter 20 - The Eye of The White Tiger

I decided it would be fun to mess with the Cullens, so I followed their sent after school up to the mountains.

I changed form, shifting into a rare white bangle tiger. My hands and feet turning into paws and I felt my nails turn into claws. My hair shortened, and grew all over my body, turning into fur. My brown fur then turned white with black stripes. I went from standing to crouching on the green ground as a tail appeared. My teeth sharpened until they were pointing and sharp, almost like my fangs but not as sharp. Whiskers appeared on my face. My eyes changed from chocolate brown to sky blue.

I stretched getting use to my new body before entering the forest.

Easily walking in I heard something. My ear twitched as I picked up the sound of a twig snap. I turned to look in the direction the noise came from and saw Alice.

"Hey! Guys! Come see what I found!" she yelled and started to jump up and down.

"What is it, Ali-" Emmett came from somewhere in the woods but stopped when he saw me. I winked at him and he froze. "IT just winked at me!" rolling my eyes he yelled again. "IT just rolled it's eyes!"

"Emmett what are you going on about?" Carlisle asked as he appeared with Esme and Rosalie. In all his glory, Jasper walked over to Alice. They all stared at me.

"Why is a white tiger here?" Edward asked as he jumped down from the trees. I'm not sure. Why am I here? I sent to his head. He looked at me in shock. "I just heard her." Of course you did.

I changed my sky blue eyes back to my beautiful chocolate brown eyes for a second, winking at him with a brown eye. He just stared at me. I made a gesture as if to shrug before taking off running.

"Follow it, we need to make sure it's safe." I heard Carlisle say. Then I heard many sounds, all of people following me and nature that surrounded me. Right in front of them I shifted to my flacon form.

My fur changed to feathers and my paws shifted to claws. My arms changed into wings and next thing you know I'm flying. I laughed as I flew and the Cullens just scratched their heads as I flew off. Maybe I was pushing my luck, but it's fun to mess with them!


I was out hunting with my family, but I couldn't stop thinking about someone. That someone had long mahogany hair and soulful brown eyes. Yes that someone is Bella.

"Hey! Guys! Come see what I found!" I heard Alice yell. What now? Did she find a mall in the middle of nowhere?

Emmett thought. "What is it, Ali-" He started to ask before he stopped. In his head I could see a beautiful white tiger. The aminal winked at him. "IT just winked at me!" Then the tiger rolled his/her eyes at him. "IT just rolled it's eyes!"

"Emmett what are you going on about?" Carlisle asked as he appeared with Esme and Rosalie. Jasper walked over to Alice. They all stared at IT, as Emmett called the animal..

"Why is a white tiger here?" I asked as I jumped down from the trees. I'm not sure. Why am I here? the tiger sent to my head. I looked at him/her in shock. "I just heard her." Of course you did. Looking at the tiger as if it had three heads, I noticed her eyes changed colors. They went from sky blue, to those amazing chocolate brown eyes I've been dreaming about all day. And the animal winked at me with those brown eyes before changing back to blue. Then the beautiful creature in front of us took off running at incredible speed.

Carlisle told us to follow the tiger and make sure it was safe, so immediatly all of us ran after it. When we came to a clearing, the tiger jumped in the air and transformed into a bird. We all watched stunned as the the white fur that covered the tiger changed to feathers. Paws became claws. And arms became wings.

The bird turned and opened it's mouth and laughed. What the hell?

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