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Chapter 21 - Lunch

What could Edward possibly want? Somehow he got my number from Jessica and called me first thing this morning, wanting to invite me to eat lunch with him today at school. Do I want to? Not really sure. Could I tease him? Yes. Does he like me? Definitely yes. So should I go? No, but I'm doing it against my better judgement.

Walking into the cafeteria all eyes were on me as I made my way to the table where the Edward Cullen was sitting, he was alone and obviously waiting for me. His bronze hair was a mess, as if it wouldn't be tamed. Golden eyes shining with delight because I actually walked over to him.


"Bella." It was silent for a second. "Sit, talk, eat." Rolling my eyes and we started to talk and at times I felt my Italian accent slip a few times, thankfully it didn't show too much.

"So how did you figure out what we are?" he asked.

"Well, your not the first vampires I've met." I was telling the truth, Katherine was the first one I've ever met. Do I regret it? Yes and no. Yes, because she took my beloved brothers from me. No, because then I wouldn't be here right now.

"Really? Where did you meet them?" He asked, I think he just wants answers so he can figure me out.

"The first time I met a vampire was in Italy." That part was true.

"Why where you in Italy?"

"Exploring the world, you only get to live once." I smiled.

"What parts have you seen?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?" I thought about telling him, but I couldn't without revealing that I'm not really seventeen.

"It's personal."

"Oh." We continued to talk, he would ask me questions and I would answer some.

"Hey Edward?" I asked looking up at him.


"Why aren't you ever here when the sun is out?"

"I'll have to show you sometime." He smiled at me, his gold eyes held some sort of emotion that was hard to identify. I smiled back at him, knowing that it affected him.


Bella actually held a civil conversation with me during lunch. I thought she would just ignore me and sit with her other friend, but no, she sat with me and acknowledged my exsistence.

Inside I was jumping for joy, but I kept myself from really jumping up and down like Alice when she gets to go shopping. It was a scary thought that I was ashamed to admit I thought of, but I was just so jubilent today.

I learned some things about Bella. First of all, she's not just beautiful but intelligent.

I also learned that she's explored the world for oh so many years. She's met her first vampire in Italy. Could those vampires be the Volturi? No Aro would never let a human live. That information could possibly help me figure out Bella Swan.


"Hey Bella." Edward walked with me out the school doors, more like followed me. I nodded. "So I was wondering, would you like to come over sometime? I mean my parents would like to officially meet you, after Alice and I told them so much about you."

"Like a date?"

"No only as friends." I laughed. Edward Cullen was nervous.

"Okay then, when?"

"How about this Saturday." Two days away, since today was Thursday.

"Great, but I'm not going to be here tomorrow."


"Family business." More like I needed to feed. I couldn't face a house full of vampires without feeding, or else I could expose myself.

"So I'll see you then?"

"YuP!" I said popping the p.


New York City. Awesome! I mean I actually can go shopping while I'm here to feed. YES! Double sweet.

I spent the day shopping, at night I would feed. By the end of the day I have over a dozen bags filled with clothes, shoes and accessories. I had one bag that was filled with make up and so on.

Walking down the streets in the dark barely no one was around. Good, no one would see me do this. I quickly attacked a homeless person easily draining him of all the blood in his system.

I feel so energized, but I would need more if I were to face the Cullens the whole day tomorrow.

Hopefully I could survive.

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