The Unexpected

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Chapter 41 - The Unexpected

I opened my eyes as light filtered into the room, only to see a stone ceiling. I looked all around to see everything was made out of stone, but for some reason it didn't smell. When I touched the wall it burned, it was covered in vervain. I hissed in pain, pulling my hand back.

Something moved, I slowly lifted my head to look out a small window in a door. The door opened and a girl was pushed inside. She was already bleeding.

I may be weak, but I was still strong enough to attack her if I wanted. But I didn't. Her blood smelled weird and when I touched what was dripping off her neck I found out why. It burned me, so it was filled with vervain.

I was trapped.

Days passed and I became weaker. My body started to preserve itself by mummifying, but my eyes stayed the same. I didn't feed, any blood that was presented to me was usually diluted with vervain. My eyes felt so heavy, my heart pounded slowly in my chest and right as I was about to close my eyes and become a mummy for awhile so I could rest until I would be able to feed on fresh blood, Edward came in.

"Bella, please forgive me." He whispered

"You…." I started to say.

"Yes?" He said and kneeled by me.

"Monster." I spit on him the best I could. Then I closed my eyes. I relished in the haven of darkness.

Darkness, the oposite of light. It contained peace and was a sanctuary for me, a way to escape the pain. And it was what would help me get out of here. I felt like I was floating in water, in the back of my mind and away from the world. Something warm touched my lips and I tried to identify it as I was pulled back to reality. It was warm and delicious, it gave me life.

Slowly opening my eyes, I met a pair of golden orbs that were rimmed with red. As I looked into those eyes they started to darken with thirst. "Edward." I whispered. He lifted my head onto his lap and put a bottle filled with red liquid to my lips. Blood and it was vervain free. I quickly drank it all.

When I had enough strength I pulled away from him. "Why are you doing this?"

"Bella, I love you. I can't stand to see you in pain."

"Pain? Do you think it didn't hurt me when you had the Volturi take Rosa away from me?" I whisper, my voice still hoarse from the lingering thirst.

"Someone's here to see you." He said, turning away from me, shame written across his features. He handed me another bottle of blood and lead me away from the cell.

Once again I was in the marble room. Stefan ad Elena were waiting in the shadows as sunlight filtered into the room. Damon was in the center of the room argueing with Aro who was currently sparkling. I had to hold back my laugh, it was kinda hard to take that man seriously while his skin shined like a disco ball. I ran over to Stefan and Elena first. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well I came to get my ring….and to help you." Of course he would come to get his ring. No wonder he was in the shadows, the sun would burn him to ashes. I looked down at my once wrinkled now smooth hand. There was 2 rings, mine and Stefan's. I quickly took his off and handed it to him. Then I turned my attention the my other brother and the Volturi Leader.

"She's my daughter." Damon stated.

"You were never even in her life. I'm here great-great-great (you get it) great-grandfather, I know about human hybrids, I could teach her."

"But I raised her." I said getting into the conversation as I stepped out of the shadows. Their heads whipped around in my direction.

Aro looked shocked to see me, his ruby red eyes widened. He must of not known about Edward waking me up. Damon looked happy and relieved. I bet he was expecting me to be mad at him, because last time we talked he yelled at me.

"Well, you still didn't know of Rosa's existence." Aro said as he turned back to Damon.

"Neither did you!" I yelled back at him, supporting my brother. Marcus and Caius were watching us argue. Marcus looked bored and Caius was smiling warmly at me. Ew! Stefan and Elena were next to me. Together we demanded that Rosa is to come with us or that she should chose who to go with.

"Fine you can have her." Aro nodded to a guard. He then brought out my niece.

"Bella!" She exclaimed when she saw me.

My brothers looked amazed. Damon looked as if he would faint, but stayed strong. I'm sure he was taking in all the similarities. The green eyes, I'm sure she received from Father, and the raven black hair. He was looked at his own female version.

I was too busy watching my family that I didn't notice Aro signal the guard who held Rosa.

That's when the room feel silent, but not for long.


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