Something Crazy

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Chapter 31 - Something Crazy

"Katherine." I hissed before I transformed into my flacon form, I heard gasps from the people in the room. I flew away from the house and the owl followed me.

I flew to a clearing and transformed back to my normal self. Damn it! What's she doing here? Well I'm about to find out. I heard her change. I looked back to be faced with a blond, who had blue eyes. When I was human I thought she was beautiful, she still is but now it's just fake. It comes with being immortal.

"Katherine, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Oh I've been watching your brothers for the past few years. They're quite amusing." she smile at me.

"So you've been stalking them?" Wow I never thought she was that crazy. Apparently not only is she a bitch, but she's psycho too.

"Well, what else was I suppose to do? When you live forever you get bored easily."

"True." Living forever allows you to do a lot of things you wouldn't be able to if you were mortal.

"So what have you been doing, Bella?" The blond asked.

"Just met up with my brothers." Why in the world was I being nice to her? Oh yeah, to get information.

"So is Klaus here? With you?" I finally asked. We were sitting down now, green grass around us swayed with the wind.

"No, I thought he was with you. He left a century or two to look for you." Oh, so why didn't he find me? We talked for a long time. Soon the moon was nowhere to be seen and the sun was high in the sky with not a cloud in to be seen. We kept on talking until the moon was out, and the stars shining bright in the sky.

We traded information. I told her about things I've learned, seen and done, besides the Cullens. And she told me all about my brothers. There was a burning in my throat and I was sure veins in my eyes were showing by now. The same thing happened to Katherine.

"Well, we should go feed before start to become mummies." I said, standing up.

"Yeah, we should. We definetly have to do this again." She said before running off into the trees. That's when I did something absolutely crazy. I took off running in the direction of that one small town that thinks I'm dead. As I got closer to Forks I thought I saw a the Cullens running towards me. I don't know why I went there, it was like something was pulling me.

Yeah it was them, but they didn't seem to see me. Well actually I was moving too fast for them to see me. As I went by the short one, Alice, her face turned blank. Of course she was having a vision. She said, "She's here." That made me freeze, she knew. She knew I was here. But I was able to snap out of it quickly.

"Who?" Rose asked.

"Bella." The short pixie said, and turned to look at me.

I started clapping and I walked out of from under a tree, wanting to play with them. "Bravo, I must say Pixie. Your talented." I smiled at her. "You were such a powerful witch back then, too bad James changed you into a sparkly vampire. You would of made a great real vampire."

She froze. That's when I took the time to look at everyone. Carlisle and Esme were nowhere to be seen. Edward seemed sad and distant, but when he looked at me you could see what he felt for me. Emmett was standing protectively in front of Rose. Jasper was doing the same thing, but in front of Alice. But they all gasped when I said that.

"How do you know that?" The pixie asked.

"There's so much you don't know about the world, little one." I said and looked up at the sky. Looking up at the moon I felt the vervain that was still there take affect. I screamed and grabbed a hold of a tree.

"Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked.

I put one hand to my chest and started to cough, feeling myself become weak. "My last meal went wrong, I haven't fed in awhile."

"Meal?" Alice asked.

"Yes, I'm not like you sparklers."

"Then go feed." I smiled as Edward said this.

"That's what I was on my way here for." I said before taking off. I heard them shouting at me, as I ran.

Alice POV

My family and I were on our way to Fells Church, Virginia. That's where I saw Bella in my visions.

Someone or something flashed by us as we ran. White and brown. That thing or person was in a hurry. I could tell that that person smelled like fresh fruit. Only one person smelled like that. Bella. So she was here, or would be here.

"She's here." I said, sensing that Bella was close. I saw something appear for a second, then disappear.

"Who?" my dear sister asked.

"Bella." I said then looked at Bella. How did I know where she was? I have no idea. Stepping out of the shadows and clapping, Bella appeared. "Bravo, I must say Pixie. Your talented." She smiled at me. Her white teeth looked sharp, but I'm just glad she didn't show her fangs. "You were such a powerful witch back then, too bad James changed you into a sparkly vampire. You would of made a great vampire."

I froze. She knew me as a human. I can't even remember anything about being human. James changed me? That man at the baseball field changed me. Bella needs to explain this to me.

"How do you know that?" I asked her.

"There's so much you don't know about the world, little one." She said as she looked up at the sky. How dare she call me little. I might be short, but I am dangerous. That makes me short and dangerous at the same time. How is that possible? Oh well it works for me.

Next thing I know Bella is screaming, her face showed how much pain she was in. She grabbed a tree to support her.

"Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked.

She started to cough and I could see that my Jasper was in pain. He was feeling Bella's feelings for once. "My last meal went wrong. Haven't fed in awhile."

"Meal?" I asked wondering what she meant by that.

"Yes, I'm not like you sparklers."

"Then go feed." She smiled as Edward said that. NO! She was here to feed off humans.

"That's what I was on my way here for." Bella took off running. Everyone stood froze staring at the spot where she was a few moments ago, the started to shout at Bella.

"Well follow her!" I yelled and darted after her.


I stayed in the shadows, watching humans go on with their daily lives. I finally found what I was looking for.

Mike Newton.

No one I fed off of has ever lived. I would kill him, then move onto killing that werewolf. I followed the blond human, and he made his way to a store. Well actually jewelry store. Oh well. Sorry Mike. Not!

"Mike," I called out when no one else was around. A certain blond boy turned around and I watched as his blue eyes widened. "Bella? Your alive!" he said and ran up to me.

"Of course I am. But you won't be." I snapped his neck and quickly drained him. After he was empty I threw him in a trash can for someone to find. "I never leave a meal alive. You had it coming Mike." I said as I closed the lid. Why was I talking to a corpse? Well, because their soul can hear you as they transition to the after life.

Edward POV

My family and I watched as Bella snapped Mike Newton's neck. The guy got what was coming but the last thing she said as she put him in a trash can was something I don't think I'll ever forget.

"I never leave a meal alive." So anyone she feeds off of must be dead, her hands must be figuratively permently stained from the blood on her hands.

Once Bella took notice to us, she winked before taking off.

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