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Chapter 40 - Tunnels

I tapped my foot, trying to stay entertained as I lost my patience. Stefan was suppose to be here at 1 o'clock and it was 1:10.Obviously  I couldn't go get him when I had no protection, the sun was out and hot. I was in the shadows, still haven't found my ring. This was very time consuming and I was very bored.

"Bella." I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Elena and went to hug her. But she was in the sun, I hissed at her for being in that dangerous, deadly sun. I nodded then turned to walk farther into the shadows. I heard her follow, along with my brother. They followed me, it was completely silent when I stopped at a dead end.

"Why did you led us here?" the blond asked. I just smiled and kept walking until I felt through a gap in the ground. Air wooshed around as I landed in a dim dirt tunne. It was a passage way that other vampires have made underground over time.

"Wow." I heard them say at the same time.

"Oh this is nothing, have you seen the tunnels in Brazil? They go on forever, until the water of course." I shivered at the mention of running water.

"Last time I was there, I didn't find any tunnels." Stefan said.

"Of course you didn't Stefan. Why? The answer is simple, your blind to the vampire way of life. And this was my idea in the first place." We kept on walking in the dark tunnel. Soon it branched off in different directions, I turned and they followed.

"How did you come up with this idea?" Elena asked.

I turned on her. "Look, you have that necklace and soon you'll have a ring. My ring is gone and I gave my necklace to Rosa to protect her. How else are our fellow vampires suppose to get around? Hmm. I was paid to come up with these ideas and I'm still getting paid as long as these tunnels are around." I went back to leading them and soon we came to an end. "This is that hard part."

"How is this hard?" They asked.

"You have your rings to protect you. I don't." I felt around the wall of the tunnel until I found the loose brick. I carefully removed it, causing a stream of sunlight to shine through the hole. Elena and Stefan removed the rest of the bricks until there was an opening the size of a doorway. We needed to go through about five feet of sunlight before we reached a dark forest. I ran as fast as I could across those five feet, lucky only getting a minor burn on my shoulder. Sticking to the dark, I made my way threw the forest that lead to the clearing around the house. "Correction, that was the hard part."

"Why are we here anyway?" my brother asked.

"I need give you proof about Rosa, so you can take it back to Damon and let him know I was only trying to protect him." I darted to the house. I could feel my skin starting to burn, but I made it to the house before anything major could happen.

"Who is Rosa?"

"Damn it! Stop asking so many questions! It's your niece!" I said as I grabbed the folder that I received 5 years ago. "Now give me your ring and I'll give this info to you."

"Why should I give you my ring?"

"So I can go save her!" I said then lunged at him, taking his ring, dropped the folder and took off running once I had his ring on.


I walked up to the stone wall that surrounded the city of Volterra. I remembered coming here so many years ago. This was were I saw my first sparkly vampire and attempted to drink his 'blood' that was really venom. I took my time making my way towards the clock tower and tried not to bring attention to myself. The town was silent. People watched me from their houses, knowing something was up.

I finally made it to the clock tower in the middle of Volterra. A door opened and out came black cloaked figures, they were here for me. Instead of following them I walked straight into a marble room, following my sweet Rosa's sent. I found her in the arms of a pale man who had red eyes and dark hair. When that man looked up at me, Rosa looked to.

"MAMA!" She said happily. I smiled at her for a second, before looking up at the man. "Can I go see her please?" She asked him.

He hesitantly let her down and she came running over to me. The little girl gave me a hug, then took my hand and walked over to where the man was standing.

"Mama meet great granddaddy." What?

"What?" I asked, shocked at what she'd said.

"It will be explained later. Bella, I am Aro Volturi."

"We've met."

"Really?" the man asked.

"Yes don't you remember red eyes? You call yourself a vampire. But your not, I am." I backed away from him, Rosa stayed where she was. "You lack blood, but have venom. Your memory doesn't do you justice."

"Bella stop acting like a child." A familiar voice said, I snapped my head in it's direction. Bronze hair and red/gold eyes. It was Edward and apparently he wasn't sticking to his diet.

"When you live as long as I do, you'll understand why I'm doing this." Then I turned to look at Aro. "Give me back my niece."

"I never said I wouldn't." Aro said, cocking his head to this side and smiling.

"You must think of me as an idiot if I believe you. Never trust a vampire, especially ones that sparkle."

Edward was behind me and Aro signaled for a guard to come stand in front of him and Rosa. I made up my mind to attack that guard and soon I heard Alice gasp as she was pulled into a vision. I heard movement behind me and went to lunge at the man before anything else could happen.

The guard moved at the last second and I went flying, Aro ducked and I crashed into the wall. I started get up and felt my face change. My hair started to whip around me, my fangs grew longer than ever before, my eyes were cat like. I turned around and Aro gasped, saying something along the lines, "It's her."

Next thing I know the whole guard is after me, I felt my wrist being cut with a wooden knife. I turned to look behind me to see the knife floating in the air, but if I looked harder there was a girl. Must be invisible.

When I was distracted everyone else came at me and before I knew it I was being drugged. I looked down to see a needle filled with a liquid in my arm. "Vervain." I gasped before falling down to me knees. I started to choke and then everything went black.

Who saw that coming? I mean really, who knew the Volturi would drug her? Thoughts on the tunnels - cool, ok, horriable, awesome?

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