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Chapter 29 - School

The next day at school came all too soon. I felt like a robot, getting up and taking a shower. Just as I started to relax, I remembered what happened last night. The women yelling at me, finding out that Stefan is different. The man with the stake. And what Damon said to me.

I couldn't forget about the past. Why? Because my past would soon come looking for me. Remember Klaus? Yeah, well he's going to come back for me. I just know it.

I got out and slipped on my favorite jeans, then a black shirt that said 'Dating A Vampire Is A Pain In The Neck' in white lettering, and red dripped off the ends of the 'N' and 'k' in neck, supposedly as blood. It's amazing what humans can come up with. Oh, don't forget the 'Salvatore' (all 3 Salvatore siblings own one) black leather jacket.

I decided to walk to school instead of asking one of my brothers for a ride. As you can see I like to walk or run to places. Soon I arrived at the parking lot. Everyone was watching me. Again. But today was different, some people actually came up to talk to me.

"Hey, I'm Caroline Forbes." A blond cheerleader said. I noticed that she was holding hands with a blue eyed blond.

"Bella Salvatore."

"It's nice to finally meet you."

"Pleasure." I said and kept on walking. I walked up to Stefan, he was with the Katherine look-alike and a short red head. "Hey little brother." I said to him.

"Your younger than me, little sister." He told me.

"You may be older than me, but that doesn't mean your taller than me."

"OH BURN!" The short red head said.

"I like you, what's your name?" I asked. Of course I like her, she liked picking on people.


"I'm Bella. And I'm glad someone other than Damon and I tease Stefan." I told her. I then looked at the Katherine look-alike. "Stefan, care to explain?"

"Explain what?" he asked innocently.

"Oh you know."

"Can we walk somewhere else about this?" Oh, so he didn't tell this human she looks like my worst nightmare. The only reason Katherine is my worst nightmare is because she took away my brothers. But now, she's just plain evil. She lied to me, about my brothers being dead, when she knew this whole time. I've gone for over 500 years separated from them.

"Sure. If you'll excuse us." I said to the two humans, before I walked out of their hearing range with Stefan following me.

That's when I finally said to him, well more like commanded him, "Explain."

He flinched, and still acted innocent. "About what? I have no idea what your talking about."

"That's a lie. What's with you and Damon lying to me? Anyway, do you need me to spell it out?" He nodded. "Why does the human look like Katherine?"

"Oh Elena? Well I'm not really sure, she might be Katherine reincarnated." He answered me.

"Katherine can't be reincarnated!"

"Why? She died because of Damon and me."

"Stefan…she lied to you. She's still alive."

"No, your lying." My brother took a few steps backwards.

"Believe what you want to believe." After I said that I went to first period.

At lunch I sat with Bonnie. Stefan and Elena sat with us too. Along with Caroline and the blond guy she was with earlier. There was another girl too. She has dark hair, and brown eyes. Was a little bit shorter than Elena, but still taller than Bonnie. "Bella, this is Meredith." Stefan introduced us.

Her name seemed familiar. Along with her looks. OMG! Klaus once explained to me how he was going after a girl named Meredith and she looked exactly like this girl in front of me, but the girl was younger. But that was at least 5 years ago.

I smiled at her and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you." I said.

"Same here." She said, with a knowing look. I just smiled at her, then I started to talk to Bonnie. That's an awful smell hit me. I looked up to see Tyler Lockwood looking at me. God no. I remember his ancestor was a werewolf. I actually met him, he was on his way to finding this town actually.

Hopefully those genes weren't passed down to Tyler. Only the moon could tell.

Gosh school was so boring! Why in the world did I do this? Oh yeah, because I wanted to find some sparkly vampires to mess with.

"Bella!" I heard someone yell. I turned to see a dark haired head heading my way. It was Tyler Lockwood.

"Hmm?" I turned to him.

"Yeah, um, I was wondering would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?" He blushed. Oh, he has no idea what he just asked. He just offered to be my meal, without knowing it.

"Sure, when?"

"How about this Friday?"

"Friday it is. See ya then." I turned and walked about leaving him there. I then heard him bragging about it to his friends.

"You're not going." Damon immediately said to me when I stepped into the forest.

"You can't stop me, big brother." I said, making my way threw the forest, being careful, making sure no humans were watching me.

"Just watch me."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Fine." I laughed at his stupidity. If I wanted something, I would get it. Even if I had to kill.

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