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Chapter 39 - Taken

It was late at night and the sky had finally become dark, the last remaining rays of sunlight dissappearing from the sky as Rosa fell asleep while watching The Little Mermaid for the millionth time. She loved that movie and she said one day she would be a mermaid, which I could possiably have convince a witch to give her a tail for a day just to see my neiece smile.

Gently picking her up, I made sure she didn't wake up as I carried to to her room. Thank god her room was clean as I navigated my way to her bed, I wouldn't of been able to stand the thought of this sweet girl having a messy room.

Holding her with one arm, I pulled back her sheets with the other and set her down. Slipping off her shoes, I silently watching her breathe almost waiting for her to wake up, but she never did. She looked so peaceful off in the land of dreams and I tucked her in. Smiling at the girl I was so fond of, I took off my necklace and put it around Rosa's little neck. "This will protect you little one." Before I left her to sleep, I kissed her forehead.

Walking out of her room, I stopped to look back at her. She saved my life after Klaus diedm but Rosa didn't know, I would have to tell her how greatful I was for meeting her. Shutting off the lights, the room became dark and I could still see Rosa's even breathing. Knowing she was at peace, I smiled and gracefully made my way to my room.


I awoke to a loud crash and glass shattering. To my complete horror there was a scream. There were only two people in the house, there's me and Rosa. If it's not me they are after, I concluded that it was Rosa who scramed.  Thanks to my vampiric abilities, I was up and dressed in less than a second. There were 2 cloaked figures holding a struggling Rosa. "Let her go." I growled, my fangs appeared as I crouched. I was going to attack them.

"No." Growled as he lunged at me. I easily took the brainless man down, but the man who had Rosa was took off in the direction of the forest while I was distracted. Sprinting after him, I kept Rosa's safety in mind as I tried to get her back.

"MOMMY!" I heard her yell and that was all it took for me to run faster, to reach her quicker. Green and brown flashed past me as I ran, soon I heard a helicopter. The wind started pick up, clouds covered the once clear sky. The weather was in tune with my emotions. I couldn't lose her, not now. She still had a life, she was still human and she couldn't die, I wouldn't let her.

I watched at the helicopter try to take off, but it couldn't. Not in this weather. I tried my best to influence the weather to create a horriable storm. That one man I took down flashed past where I was hiding. That's when I noticed what he looked like. Brown hair and red eyes. RED EYES. They were like the Cullens.

"Damn it!" One said.

"Let's just run to Voterra." The other said.

"Sure, but we need her to shut up fist." The first one said looking down at Rosa.

They were taking her to Voters, Italy, Home of the Sparkly Vampires. Should I call Damon and Stefan so they can help me, or should I do this on my own? I was about to call Damon when I heard Rosa's screams again. NO! I ran towards those vampires at full speed, taking down the biggest one. I easily twisted his neck, although I knew that wouldn't kill him. Then I remembered the matches in my pocket from lighting the fire in the woodstove.

I light the match and the vampire looked at me with wide eyes. "I don't think you want to do that." An old, smooth voice said from behind me. I slowly turned around to see a vamp holding a stake at my back. I blew out the match and got off of the guy I had been holding down. "There."

The vampires moved like they were going to walk away but one suddenly ran back and attacked me. He didn't hurt me, but he did do something that would make it impossible for me to save Rosa. He took off my ring. I was now vulnerable to the sun.


I quickly made my way home, trying to advoid the sun. Closing all the blinds, I made quick work and found a phone. I dialed Damon's number, it was in the file Rosa's mother left.

"Hello?" A male voice answered.



"Yeah it's me. Anyway I need your help." He said he would listen to why I needed him to help, then make a decision. Stefen was with him. I explained to them how I found Rosa 5 years ago, found out that she was Damon's daughter and that she was kidnapped. I told them how I gave her my necklace and that my ring was gone. I told them almost everything, well everything that was relevent to the current situation.

"You got what you deserved." Damon said in a dark voice.

"What?" I asked confused, he never spoke to me like that. "Why?"

"You found out that I had a daughter, that I never knew about! And you don't tell me until 5 years later! Especially when she is in danger! Or else you probably wouldn't of told me about her if you didn't need out help!"

"So you won't help me?"

"Why would I help a liar?"

"I never lied!"

"But you never told me about her!" My brother yelled, I flinched away from the phone.

I heard someone grab the phone and heard Stefan say, "Where are you?"


"Where?" He questioned.

"In Italy, remember our human home?" Didn't he remember? The place where it all started, the place we grew up, the place we were changed and the place where my niece was taken away from me.

"Yeah, stay put I'll be there." Then he hung up on me. Why would I listen to the veggie vamp of a brother? Oh yeah, because my favorite brother hates me because I didn't tell him about Rosa. Look where that's gotten me.


I can't believe Bella didn't tell me I had a daughter. Sure I haven't seen my sister if the past 5 years, but still. If you found out your brother had a daughter he never knew about, what would you do? Not tell him for 5 years or tell him right away?

Now my little girl is in trouble and so is my little sister. What should I do? Stefan has already left with Elena to Italy, being the good guy he is, to help Bella.

Look at me, I'm just sitting here ranting to no one. I must be going crazy. I decided I needed to help my daughter at all costs. Was there a way I could save Rosa without helping Bella?


I have an AP test tomorrow, wish me luck :)


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