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Chapter 30 - Vervain

To my imense pleasure, it was Friday. At this moment I was now getting ready for my 'date' that Damon told me not to go to. But I went anyway. I've been on my own for awhile and I don't need him telling me what to do. Just because I found him again, doesn't mean he can go back to being the protective brother that he once was.

I wore my favorite jeans, a shirt with the letter 'S' as in Salvatore in red. I slipped on my black leather jacket and some shoes before walking to town. Stupid Tyler, to lazy to come pick me up. I met him at the Grill. "Hey babe." he said as he slipped his arm around my waist.

"Hey." I said.

"Wanna play some pool?" he asked.

"Sure." (IDK anything about pool, so don't kill me if I skip this part) I beat Tyler a bunch of times, but I let him win a few times to make him feel better. After all I didn't want my food unhappy. Well tell ya the truth, I didn't really care.

"Tyler, let's go out back." I said looking in him straight in the eye.

"Sure, c'mon." he said and led me out of the Grill. Once we were out in the dark, he led my to an alley.


He turned to look at me and that's when I attacked him. My fangs easily cut his neck and soon I felt warm blood going down my throat. The warm life blood was only there for a few minutes until I tasted something off. I pulled back and whispered one word before I felll backward chocking, my throat burning. The last thing I remember was a black figure moving toward me yelling, "Bella!"


If Tyler hurt her, I would rip his head off. Literally.

I followed her when she left, just to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. Can you guess how surprised I was to find Bella choking, falling backwards and whispering the word. "Vervain." The word left her mouth as a fit of coughing took over her body. I stepped out of the shadows and ran over to her, just as her eyes closed, and she started to fall.

I caught her then looked up to see Tyler. He was terrified. "You will remember nothing." I said while looking in his eyes. One I was done compelling him, I ran back to the boarding house.

When I tried to go in I could, but Bella couldn't. Oh yeah, how could I forget she wasn't invited in. The only reason why I was invited in was, because Elena accidentally invited me in by nodding.

"MRS. FLOWERS!" I yelled.

"Yes?" The witch showed up.

"Invite her in."

"No, she's worse than you Damon."

"I don't care! I've lived my life thinking she was dead! I just got her back…I can't lose her."

It took her  a moment to agree, the fear of losing my sister again consumed me and I am willing to bed that the honesty that shone through my voice and eyes made the old lady to change her mind. "Oh, well then come on in." She nodded to my sister.

I ran up the stairs and yelled. "Stefan get the blood bags!" I placed her on my bed. Only to hope that she would be alright.


"Stefan! Get the blood bags!" I heard someone yell. There was pressure on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I don't really need to breathe, but if I don't it gets uncomfortable.

I felt someone place me on something soft. "What happened?" a female voice asked. I tired to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I tired to whisper, but couldn't I was to busy choking, practically spazzing out as they overtook my body.

A few seconds passed and soon I felt something warm going down my throat. I finally felt the pressure that was on my chest decrease and I was finally able to breathe, regaining my strength. I was finally able to open my eyes.

"Bella, what happened?" I heard someone asked. I sat up and looked up at my brother who was watching me.

"What do you think? That stupid mutt is filled with vervain. I knew I shouldn't of gone out with a damn werewolf."

"Wait werewolf?" the female voice from earlier asked. It turned out to be Elena. Stefan had his arms wrapped around her waist. Stupid Stefan.

"Yeah, The Lockwood Family. Passed down through the generations." I said. Finally getting up.

"Wait, if he had vervain in his system why was it so easy to compel him?" Damon asked.

"Very good question. I asked the original Mr. Lockwood that too." I said. They just stared at me. "Apparently it's a way of defense. If a vampire, well the original vampires were to feed off a werewolf, they would get a mouth full of vervain."

"Oh." I heard Stefan sigh.

"Wait why am I even telling you this?" No one answered. "Oh yeah, because you saved my life." So stupid of me to think that Tyler wouldn't be affected by t he werewolf genes. Gosh! "Yeah, well that's what we're here for." Stefan said, I looked up at him to see that he was gesturing to himself and Damon.

"Just another lie. You guys left me when we were human. And for some girl. Not this time." I said before I walked over to the huge window that just happened to be in the room. I saw a white owl that had some gold and brown spots on it's back. I would recognize this owl anytime, anywhere. This owl, well actually person, was what ruined my human life.

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