6.The first meet

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S h a n a y a

Thankfully that unknown person didn't text me in whole function I have blocked his 12 number already,I think he is out of money to buy more. We all enjoyed this night a lot by dancing singing playing and all and by this this function came to an end. And right now I'm laying on my bed ready to sleep not before talking to my mom, dad and my younger brother Shashank who is in 10 standard now.

I was about to sleep when a message popped up.

"Missed me?"
I scoffed at this message and not engaging myself in his stupid talks I blocked him once again.

"Ignore all you want to because once you become mind you can't do it"

"And yes tomorrow wear pink lehenga, pink suits you"

Oh god how many sim cards does this man have

"Listen boy whoever you are don't bother me I am not liking all this stupid things you are doing, do some work instead of bothering some girls, earn for your family and i didn't ask for your opinion I know what suits me or what not and I don't like pink."
I texted but I lied I like pink

"Oh my darling how considerate of you, but let me tell you, I earn a lot that not only my family but the whole India can have 5 stars meals everyday and still I'll be left with so much, and about texting I'm not texting 'some girls'  I'm texting someone who is gonna become something in my life"

I chocked on air at his words

"Ghar me maa bahne nhi hai kya?" I texted

"Hai dono bas biwi ki kami hai vo tum pura karogi"

Now it is getting out of hands
"If you have this much money then do some charity and yes fuck that word  wife what the hell you think of me? You stranger bastard, I have already a boyfriend and he will beat the shit out of you just show your fuckfull face once, and don't harras me again or else there will be not so good consequences, I would rather die than marrying bastard like you who like to text any girl whom number he have got and talk shit with them" 

I said and switched off my phone not before blocking that number too.

Poor girl she didn't know by talking all this she only awaken the beast inside him which was sleeping till now.

N e x t  D a y

7:10 Am
I woke up when I heard someone banging on my door i moved there with my not fully open eyes and opened it

"Good morning you sleepy head wake up now and come downstairs to have something to eat or else you will be starving till noon" Meera said she was already ready in her suit

"Okay" I said while rubbing my eyes and I closed the door when she went away
I got ready and moved down, many of people had their breakfast done from the buffet and me, Aditi,Meera and Priya were having ours which some workers had served to Aditi's room as the bride can not get out and eat outside with everyone so we are accompanying her. 

"Let's see each other's dress for wedding Priya said getting excited

"Yeah let's do it I'm getting bore" Aditi said

"Talk to your husband ahem sorry soon to be husband" i said

"Shut up I will not talk to him he didn't call me since yesterday and I'll not pick up even if he do n-" her sentence was cut by a call I saw the caller id it was jiju i smirked and snatchef her phone

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