Rohan Singhania

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Shanaya pov:

It has been 8 days since that man broke into my room and from that day he sent me messages on a daily basis and I blocked every number he sent it from ignoring all his warnings and all, i know he is powerful but still there is something known as law in the country he can't just force me, if he won't stop all this I'm gonna tell my parents about it but there is a side in me of that typical Indian girl thinking what if my parents and the society blames me in the end this is what I fear, my parents are so nice

but I have seen a similar case in my own college where a boy Rahul who used to stalk my classmate Sikha and even made a recording of her while she was changing and when she told her parents they told her to shut up and not let anyone know about it as it will put their dignity at stake and even blamed her saying why to go near boys when they clearly have told her to stay away and safe from them because men are like this and it is our duty to protect us,

they lock her up for 2 straight weeks saying if she doesn't go out for sometime the boy will gradually lose interest and find a new one but in the end when that fucker didn't get any answer or her heard anything from her his ego in front of his friends became hurt and he made her recording and story viral in the college, teachers became mad at her for ruining the college's reputation students made fun of her, and finally not able to bear all the humiliation and taunts she ended her life.

And that bastard he was free from all this just by paying some fine and got suspended from school for 3 weeks.

Wondering why? Because first he was a man and in this male dominant society people mostly blame girls. And 2nd there was no evidence found that he was the one spreading and making the video because the police and the college was bribed by his father who is a politician.

And also whenever there is a male guest at home except my cousins I'm not allowed to come down so that they don't get a glimpse of me this is my father's rule and my mother all told me to stay away and safe from boys and shouldn't go to places where there are a lot of men species.

This is a sad reality of the society we are living in here the girl is the reason for everything, mostly the wrong doings and the boy, it will be said he is a male they have attraction they will look at you, it's your responsibility to be safe.

I don't know if my parents will understand or not most probably they will so I'll try telling them I don't want to stay quiet and bear his assaults on me who knows if he breaks in tomorrow and does something with me.
I am going to college it's my final year not that I'm sad infact I'm happy it's the final year i have to endure the pressure, two faced bitches and those biased professors.

I made my way to the entrance when someone held my wrist and I faced them to see who it was and saw the face of the person whom I never wanted to see ever again the same guy who had filmed Sikha, it was Rahul who is currently in the same class as me and sent me proposals numerous times telling how much he loves me while i know how he has almost fucked every single girl of my class and some other from other classes too, some sell their dignity for some sum of money and some fall in the trap of this man either by get blackmailef or by falling in love but in the end all of the girls are his toy like that use and throw.

"Hi there long time no see I missed you" he said while I just freed my wrist from his grip and started walking giving him a cold shoulder involving in talks with people like him is troublesome he is behind me for the past one month because he wanted another chick for his need.

"Hmm I see so we are playing this ignoring game oh this will be fun" he said

But paying no heeds to his words i made my way inside and all day long this fucker was behind me and throwing comments and all on me.

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