Marry him?

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I had killed that motherfucker Rahul
When she said all those things on the phone that day,i had my instinct telling me that she had another man troubling her and i loathe even the idea of this, any other male creature rather than me is not granted permission to do so.

I sent my sources to her college and find out about her everything and got to know about that bastard how he was harassing her, and the worst thing was he already had destroyed many girls life before and his next Target was her, so I sent him to the place where he actually deserved to be seated 'hell'

The wordings of Shanaya left an unspoken blemish on my unsympthatic and unemmotional heart, it somehow triggered the deomon inside me, I planned on giving her some time but not now the demons inside me are ravenous for her smell, taste and her everything. And i will let them feast on her.

And the stunt she pulled at the police station only vexed my inside,

To the officers she went to file the complaint were the fucking dogs for whom I had thrown several bones. Poor her is unknown about this cruel world.
That officer had informed me that a lady had proof of Rahul's murder and I knew who it can the red fuild flowing inside me boiled because of her stunt why the fuck she have to make everything complicated for her only why is she provoking the real me and she is getting successful in doing so because now
'I will satiate my demons and ruin the fucking innocent she hold in her'

My world is filled with black white and grey but the divine shade of her captivating brown eyes which define innocence, liveliness, hopefulness and playfulness is driving me crazy, never have I ever   wanted to fill colors in my uncolored life I liked it that way but now i want it or may be will make her devoid of colors.
I was waiting impatiently for her when I heard the sound of someone walking I knew it was her i looked up with my infamous smirk

"Hmm nice stunt my fierce kitten" I said
She just rolled her eyes at me and came closer to the table

"Tell your puppies to let me go" she shouted

"Don't shout have a seat and let's  talk peacefully" I said with coldness dripping from my voice I am not liking this attitude of hers.

"NO who the hell you think you are, you are fucking out of your mind, what the hell was the video and photographs you sent to me"

she shouted and I glanced at the woman standing at the door signaling her to make her sit.

"Answer me" she said and that's when that woman came forcefully make her sit

"The hell let me go" she shouted and was about to get up

"Dare to move an inch and I'll make sure you will regret it your whole life" I said with the danger dripping tone i possess, I saw a hint of fear in her eyes but she immediately covererd it

"What did you do to Rahul"

"I killed him" I said and saw her expression changing into a horror one the expression I love to see on everyone's face

"Y-you why?" She asked

"Because he was behind you" I said and saw her eyes getting widen

"Are you even listening yourself" she said

"You just killed someone just be-"

"It's not just I'll not hesitate to remove every single obstacle which will come between you and me get that" I said
And saw her getting stiffened in her place.

"What would you like to have" i asked but saw her still lost I click my finger infront of her face she looked at me with fear.

"What would you eat?" I asked again

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