7.seeing him

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Shanaya pov:

That creep literally scared me for a moment I should always stay in areas where there are more peoples.

I made myself presentable for the wedding function.

I was doing my makeup even though there were tons of makeup artist but i considered doing it on my own. Suddenly
my phone rang, I picked it up without sparing a glance at the caller

There was no one talking from the other side
"Hello can you hear me?" I again said
But only I was hugged by silence.

I placed my mascara down and then looked at the caller id, it was an unknown number.

I cut the call thinking it was a wrong or a spam call.

But again it rang.

"Who is it?"

"Forgot me this early?"

Wait what? I literally messed up my mascara and poked up my eyes because of his sentence.

"Ouch" I hissed at the little pain.

"Be careful" he said

"Who are you?"

"Someone who admires you,is crazy for you and wants to make you his by body heart and soul"

I made an awful face for his wordings

"It hurts how you don't remember me"

"Stop with your nonsense mister and if you are that fucking stalker then don't you dare to bother me ever again and pull the stunt you have done today or else I'll kill you i swear and if you have guts then show yourself in broad light not in darkness by hiding your asshole face you cowardly bastard"

I said in one go, I was feeling very furious right now remembering him

"Oh oh don't you dare to curse at me and about showing my face don't worry today I'll come to you" he said in a ice cold voice and disconnected the call

Is he really coming to me oh god i was just challenging him thinking he won't dare show up any way

"Kisi ke bap se nhi darti hu mai" I said looking at myself in the mirror and fixing my makeup.

I went downstairs and started engaging myself in the function and enjoying too much.
It was time for jaimal i helped Aditi to go to the stage, she was looking so beautiful today ngl.

Rajbeer jiju was also looking handsome oh how cute they look together just made for eachother.

I saw a man beside Rajbeer he looks like his cousin or friend, as guessing by his looks is the same age as Rajbeer, I saw him staring at me with his intense and cold eyes and it was giving me Goosebumps i don't know why but his eyes shouts dominance and coldness, I think I've seen his before, but where? I looked away from him and focused on the couple.

I could still feel his eyes on me like he wants to pierce me with his glare.

Everything was going on smoothly and I was truly enjoying it to that extent that I forgot about that creep.

I filled my glass with water and was going to where Aditi, Rajbeer and other cousins were seated and having dinner, on the way I a child ran across me, I looked back
"Hey child be careful and don't fa-" i said but bumped at someone instead and spilled water on his clothes and mine too.

"I'm so sorry really sorry I didn't see you coming" I said moving back from him while using my handkerchief to soak water from my mobile phone.

"How will you look when your eyes are behind and body is forward" he said

"I'm sorry" i looked up at his face to realise he was the same person from the jaimal stage.

"Hmm pink really suits you" he said and his eye was staring deeply into mine,
i was confused listening to him and got reminded of that person who said the same thing his voice is also similar to him but there is no way that it can be him he look very decent for that kind of works.

"O-ok sorry again" I said and moved away from him.

I sat down on my seat with others.
"What happened you look lost" Aditi said

"Oh no nothing" I said with a smile and started eating quietly
When a person came and sat beside Rajbeer i looked at him to see the same man from before, he is scaring me to be honest, his aura screams danger the way two men in black always surrounds him

I got to know he is Rajbeer's bestfriend
Abhimanyu Rathore, I have heard his name somewhere but I am not able to remember it fuck my memory. I ate quietly the whole time I was not having good vibes from this man all he was doing was time to time staring at me.
Anyway I must be looking beautiful that he can't take his eyes off so I shouldnt just judge anyone from the first look but all my instinct was telling me was run away he is a disaster

It's 2 am and finally the wedding got completed.

There were still some time left for
Vidai(farewell of bride) so we all retired to our room to have some rest.

I came inside my room and locked it,
But I saw a person standing by the window looking outside I didn't see his face as he was back facing me maybe a thief. It scared me but still I moved a little closer with a vase in my hand ready to hit his head.
I was near him when I heard him

"Don't do this useless stunt on me" he said in a cold voice and turned around, my blood went cold as I remembered the voice. Without wasting anymore time I raised my hand to hit him but he was fast enough to hold my hand preventing any hand movements. I used my other hand but he grabbed it too in a tight grip.

"So it was only you all the time" i said and tried even harder to pull my hands from his grip.

"Hmm" he said in a nonchalant voice

"Why?" I asked

" I told you already haven't i" he said and griped my hand tighter causing the vase to fell from my hands making it scatter into pieces.

"What?" I asked

" that i feel attracted to you and want to own you in every possible way" he said with a cold voice.

"What do you want?" I asked in an irritated tone

"You , I want your everything your heart body and soul"
He said looking deeply in my eyes.

"So let's talk peacefully about us" he said and released my hands.

He sat down on bed in a manly manner.

"Listen I have nothing to talk specifically to you, you have bothered me enough, there is no 'us' so just move on from this thinking of having me you will never have me"

I said to him and ran away to the door opened it but before I can get out he grabbed my wrist, closed the door and pinned me to him I used my hands to push him as he was too close to me but he grabbed both of my hands and pinned it to the sides

"Let me go" i shouted

"Shh don't shout or else it will not bring good consequences" he said moving close to my ear.

"And about the things you have said so listen you are mine to have your everything belongs to me the moment I landed my eyes on you and now you have no way out" he whispered in my ears sensually, It brings Goosebumps all over my body.

"Let this be in your head
You are mine by hook or crook"
He whispered and gave a lick on my earlobe.

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