The promises

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Vote target~110 votes

Well you guys were unable to reach the previous vote target, that's the reason of this late update and still the target is not completed but still I'm posting it because from the previous 2 days ik recieving a lot of messages for the update so I'm updating but I've deducted the word limit and this chapter is short.

Complete this chapter target because next chapter will only be posted after the target is completed.

And yes thankkks a loottt
You are mine by hook or crook have reached more than 40k views for which I'm grateful. ❤️

And thanksss a lot to the people who vote, you people understand the effort of author and vote, thanks a lot❤️❤️❤️

Do follow on Instagram and DM me if you want to be added on my group there.

Id link is in my profile




The words of the old priests pierced through my heart even though i wanted to be not affected by it,

"Women are delicate roses if not handled with care then, the thorn in them can pierce through your flesh and make you bleed."

Of course not physically but emotionally.

These words of my mother rang continuously in my ears as I drove to the palace.

This is not possible, no one clearly no one has the power to make me bleed emotionaly many years back I've snatched this power from everyone, everyone means everyone, emotions makes you frail, and in the world of mine which is surrounded by darkness there can be no space for weakness. The greedy fuckers out there always look for a weak point to attack.


Entering inside their bedroom his eyes searched for her but failed to capture with a poker he searched for her keenly in the room, it was already midnight  where she could be right now and flashback hits his mind, how she slept in the balcony swing, he made his way to the balcony and spotted her on the Swing looking at the stars like it is the most beautiful thing right now.

Her skin glows in the brightness of the full moon, her sleeveless white blouse exposed her arms gracefully while the white saree shining in the moonlight made her look like an enchantress whose beauty's spell was working on the man behind her, air surrounding her possessed her tresses making it dance arrording to it's choice.

The man standing behind her was engulfed in her beauty like she was the sorceress using the magic of her innocence and beauty to enchant him and if she will them him that's the case then he will have to believe her because in the unspoken way he is attracted to her questionable.

Breaking the threads comfortable silence she lays in he called her, his words barely above a whisper but that was enough to reach her ears and send signals to her brain to know who is here

"Shanaya" she looked at the source of voice, her eyes held held fear,anger and abhor for him met his whose holds nothing but blankness.

He reached to her and raised his hand to remove her brown locks which was becoming a barrier to her face, and he was craving to see it.
But in the reflex she flinched thinking he might hurt her taking revenge of her previous actions, he frowned seeing her reaction, removing the strands from her face he tugged them behind her ear meanwhile her gaze and body language were alert, and he sat down deside her even he himself didn't have any idea why he was doing all this but he has no control over himself, he thought of not even glancing at her after that incident, his male ego was hurt and raising hand on a woman especially his woman was never an option.

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