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Tired is not the word to define my situation now, standing on the stage with a fake smile and Abhimanyu's hand on my waist is making me sick and to add to the discomfort this 7 inch heels and that too pencil heel, we have already shared the rings but still endless people come to greet me and to take pictures with us

"Are you okay" he whispered in my ears so that I can hear in this noise, I rolled my eyes at his question

"What do you think?" I said looking at him

Some people was about to come

"No more photos" he said  and those people out there halted their movements.

He grabbed my wrist
"What are you doing" he walked further with me.

"Ahh" I hissed when I stumbled in those heels and hurted my ankle, walking in heel is one thing I can do but that's my first time wearing heel with this height and with a heavy lehenga which make my movements limited.

"What happened?" He said

"Nothing" I said straighting myself concealing the look of annoyance and pain of my face.

His one hand makes its way to my back wrapping it and another one being my knees and suddenly lifting me up earning a gasp from me and hooting from the crowd

"What the hell put me down" i whispered shouted at him.  But he paid no attention to me and walked further. And the hooting and whistleing were not stopping, people were clicking pictures

"Please it's embarrassing" I said and he gave a cold glare to the crowd making them silence, how just his one look is enough to make people scared and forget their existence.


"Shut up" he said moving away from the crowd and making me sit on a couch.
He kneeled down and was about to took mt feet in his hand but i backed my feet

'what are you doing?" I asked getting shocked

"Checking" he said and moved his hands further to hold them and i resisted earning a glare from him.
He removed my sandals one by one and then checked my feet finding a dark red bruise on my heel he carrased it which make me hiss.

"Why the hell you have to wear this kind of sandals if your are not comfortable" he said I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"Oh hello, your mother was the one sending all the things for me" I said

He sighed and took out his phone and guessing by the movement of his fingers he was typing something.

And after 5 minutes a man came holding a box in his hand, he bowed at him then handed him the box,
Abhimanyu opened it and I saw a flat slipper in it and a bandage with some ointment.

And after 5 minutes a man came holding a box in his hand, he bowed at him then handed him the box, Abhimanyu opened it and I saw a flat slipper in it and a bandage with some ointment

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he applied it to his index finger

"I can do it myself", I said trying to hold the tube from his hand but stubborn he didn't let me. And applied it by himself. And made me wear the slipper.
I was about to get up when he said

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