fierce kitten

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"Rohan Singhania was found dead in a car accident" as soon as those words left Shreya's mouth Shanaya became stiff at her place not able to overcome this piece of info it is not like she felt bad or anything but still death of someone is a nightmare for the person's family and his close ones. Anyway not showing much reaction she just asked


"Don't know the police have closed the investigation because the car crashed making it burst and he was still there causing his body to burn completely and only by doing DNA testing it was confirmed to be his body, the forensic team couldn't really find the cause of death because the whole body was damaged " she said and started munching sandwich from Shanaya's plate.

Shanaya :

"Oh" this was the only thing which got realised from my mouth as my mind was flooded with different kinds of unsaid and unknown emotions yes at very moment of life I wanted him dead due to his deeds may be it was all those victim's suffered soul which put curse on him my late grand ma used to say if you trouble someone to a great extent then his grief came from his soul take a firm of curse which cause  havoc in that wrong doer's life.

It is a kind of Karma.
I came back home.

"Oh dear you came so early today" maa said yes I came home at 4 o clock which is early as at this time i go to the library to study and come back at 7 pm.

"Hmm" i said and lie on the couch beside her letting me head rest in her lap while she run her fingers on my head believe me it is the best feeling in the world which make you forget about diff problems.

I don't know when I fell asleep while she kept stroking my hair.

I woke up from the sound of utensils and saw mom cooking in the kitchen which was attached to the living room itself.

I sat on the couch and glance at the time it is already 6 pm.

I yawned and moved to my room as I didnt even change my clothes.

I took a hot shower then wear my PJs

And sat on my bed and started completely the pending assignment those things are surely a headache. I sighed and started doing it.

After 10 mins I felt a vibration in bed Indicating someone was calling me i grabbed it and saw it was from an unknown number and who it can be I sighed even after all those warning he dared to call me again.  I ignored it and started doing my work.
But again he called from another number.  Just god how many numbers he owns I have blocked several of them

I picked it up

"What the hell i already warned you not to call me" i whispered shouted at him but met with silence.

"Hello?" I said

"Hm I want to meet you right now" he said finally with a ferm voice

"The hell are you out of your mind" I said

"I'll send you the address" he said

"Oh oh what the fuck you think you are you really are this delusional thinking i woul-"

"Check your inbox then make your mind " he said and cutted the call

"Wait what"

I removed phone from my ear and open messages to see one from his number there was an image attached to it i opened it and as soon as I saw this a loud gasp released from my mouth but i covered my mouth with my hand to make sure no voice come from my mouth.

It was a picture of Rahul of tied in a chair and by his look you can tell he was at the edge of dying there were several bruises on his body horror was filled in my eyes. Another video came and I played it still holding my mouth

Rahul was carried in a car then after a moment that car got bursted not being able to look any further I closed it and tears builded up in my eyes
'did you do that' i thought that's when a message pop up

"Halfmoon delight  restaurant this is where you have to come exactly at 8:30 pm okay if you don't then there will be consequences I have to discuss something very serious with you" the message said

I glanced at the watch it was 7:30 pm. I am not gonna get intimidated by his threatening although I was shaken from the core. I got up and got ready in a white tank top and trousers getting down I wore my denim jacket.

"Where are you going ?" Mom asked me

"Oh I forgot to tell you maa it's Shalini my friend's birthday" I tried my best to come to the most sensible excuse.

"You never mentioned this friend of yours" she asked

"Umm we met just 2 weeks ago and today she is alone so she called me telling this and not being able to resist I said I'll come " I lied

"Okay go but come back early before your father come back okay" she said yes papa has gone to his friend's son wedding and there is no way he will be returning before 1 am

I moved outside as dad had bring car with him I had to call for a taxi

"Where to miss?" He asked

"Police station" I said
Yes there is no way im gonna meet that bastard I'll tell this whole thing to police that's the only thing I can do which is on my hand even though fuckers like Rahul deserves this kind of death but still it was illegal.

I reached the police station in 20 mins and I paid the driver and moved inside

"Good evening sir I'm here to make a complain and show you something" I said sitting opposite to the officer on the chair placed

"Yes go ahead miss" he said turning his attention to me

I told him all the story and also showed him the video and photos of Rahul which he send me.

"O-okay miss thank you for your information can you please wait just for some minutes i have to call a superior officer so that he can come and introgate" he said
I nodded my head and moved to the bench waiting

After some time I heard a car honk and then two men and two woman came there and before I could react the women held my hand

"What are you doing?" I shouted and she placed her hand on my mouth resisting me from shouting I looked at the officer with my pleading but saw no emotion in his eyes eyes as they carried me to the car and threw me in they put tape on my mouth and tied my hands

What the hell did I get kidnapped from the police station? The car engine started and I threw my tied hands and legs here and there in order to get out of here but the women held them and after 30 mins the car stopped and I glanced outside to see we were outside a restaurant which was 'hotel halfmoon delight" it read.

And i understood whose these people were of.

They dragged me inside and removed the tape and freed my hands and moved out not before bowing at me I tried to run outside but his gaurds were present all over who didn't let me outside. Then left with none other options I moved inside where he was sitting while doing something on his phone.

He stopped his actions and his lips twitched up in a smirk and he slowly looked up.

"Hmm nice stunt my fierce kitten"

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