sneaking out

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"Kya kar rahi h app yaha"
(What are you doing here) I asked my wife who was looking so beautiful even in this simple outfit, remembering how she went from tum to app, her and her tactics.

She startled a little and looked at me for a moment then continued looking forward, I came beside her placing my elbows on the railing looking forward seeing what thing has captured her attention that she denies looking at me. She looked at me and our shoulders which were brushing slightly and so shifted herself some inches away as if my touch burns her, i stayed silent even though i wanted to slam her to this railing and show her the consequences

"Thinking about my fate" she said in a sad and low voice

"Hm so what did you think?" She looked at me.

"That fate is playing dirty with me, you held me captive" she said
and I can see the hate and disappointment in her eyes.

I sighed and looked forward.

"Listen, the earlier you get that I'm your husband and your fate the easier it would be for you, leave your hatred behind and see that it is not as dreadful as you make it look" i said firmly

She chuckled at my sentence and looked at me

"Can you leave me?" She said and I felt rage building in my body

"Never" I said looking dead in her eyes

"So that my hatred for you can never leave my heart and believe me I'm not gonna be with you forever" she said and turned around to move but i held her wrist pulling me making her collide with my chest, her eyes full of hatred met mine full of rage.

"Listen lady i don't care if you hate me or not i don't desire your love but get that in your head that you can never leave me until I am alive" i said and left her with a jerk and left the place knowing very well that if I don't go then I will burst at her.

Coming to my private office at the palace itself i started working which will help my already fucked up mind to engage in something else and divert my attention.

After working for the next two hours i sighed and massaged my temple feeling sleepy glancing at the clock which shows 2am I left my office going to our room, I didn't find her there, and a wave of panic rose within me remembering her words
I checked the bathroom which was devoid of any presence I was about to move outside but a wave of chilly wind passed through me making me realise that the balcony's door is opened, I went there and relief was filling within me seeing her sleeping on the Swing, i kneeled infront of her face caressing her cheeks and admiring her calm face which will be adorned by hatred and rage as soon as she wakes up.

She frowned a little causing the formation of sone lines on her forehead

"Why why do you have to make everything this hard" I said standing up i carried her making her snuggle in my chest

I placed her on the bed and covered her with blanket then I layed beside her turning off the light then covering myself with the same blanket.
Next morning

"Aaaahhhh" a loud voice made me open my eyes and the first thing I saw was her shocked face just some inches away from mine looking at me with wide eyes, she got up with a jolt and placed her hand on her chest

"What the fuck was that for" I asked sitting up, she looked at me with angry expression making me imagine how it would feel to take her early in the morning.

"What the hell are you doing here" she said and i frowned

"What do you mean it's my house my room my bed and I'm with my wife" I said coldly

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