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"We are going to Australia" I stated

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"We are going to Australia" I stated

I was going there for 2 days to attend a business meeting, I had no intentions to take her with me but after the previous incident no way I'm ever leaving her, my blood boils when I remember the scene and that fucker is gonna get the most painful life ever because death was the option when he only messed with me and my people but after messing with my lady he doesn't even deserve death because it will be an easy escape, I'll make sure to make him remember his death with every fucking breath he takes.

"AUSTRALIA???" she shouted and almost jumped on my lap making me close my eyes and a whispered curse left my lips, feeling hard, i held her more firmly and said

"Don't move" and opened my eyes looking at her.

The way she made me forget about my rage is pretty detrimental for me, I don't want my years of hard earn experience and training all go into vain just because of a mere woman.

She discracts me like no other discraction ever had the power to.

How I was burning in rage, the rage in which many perished was calm down just by some mere scratches on her throat, these scratches are my every day routine, I don't take them but yes make sure to give them, but I never thought the scratches, the wounds which I thought were were so ordinary would become extraordinary for me when it comes to her.

And now I know there is no going back even if I want to, this woman is an enchantress for sure, the way she enchants the unknown sides of me is crazy so crazy and i swear that this is the first and the last time, I let any scratch came to her, I'll fucking burn everything, if it happens again and will do it this time too, that fucker will rot for sure.

"Leave me now" her voice pierced through the merciless picture of me torturing the fucker who hurted her, in my brain.

"Why?" I asked raising a brow, her hands came to my shoulder trying to push me away, too late darling

"Just lea- ah" she hissed making my heart go crazy with her pain.

"Don't talk I said in a calm her harsh tone to make her understand the seriousness of my statement.

"Le-" i cut her off placing my finger on her lips "shhh"

"Why do you talk so much hmm? Can't you just shut your mouth for once" i said and she shook her head and gestured with her eyes to come closer to her and why to leave even a single chance to do it.

"Why do you have to be an animal can't you be a human once" she whispered almost inaudibly but thanks to my training i heard it clearly.

I chuckled at her statement, my poor lady hasn't even seen the real animal in me, and I don't even want her to come across it knowing well, how traumatized she will be.

"Ahh you scissor like tongue makes me go crazy" I said and pecked her nose making her scrunch it and pass me a glare.

"Well i hope you will soon see the animal me in bed" I said with a smirk making her gulp and again she tried to push me and this thing frustrates me the most

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