Don't go please

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And Thank you sooo much for your love, I truly appreciate it.

And Thank you sooo much for your love, I truly appreciate it

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Too much to ask?

Sometimes, I wonder what kind of sin, I've committed in my life that it had to take this drastic turn, from childhood there was one thing I used to desire


And a typical brown household can never allow it, this was also a case with me when it was my age to play, my grandma was alive and she wouldn't let me stay outside, saying she is a girl. And in my 10th std she left the world,
she would always nag about how a girl should behave and all.

And when I thought she is not here and i could go out just like my friends do, then the role of an overprotective father came

"If Shanaya asks for outings and all make some excuses, don't let her go out, it's not safe, she is grown up now " i eavesdrop him telling this to my mum

Like it isn't always a case that I always want something when my most desirable thing is snatched away.

But yes thanks to Ma, I used to sneak out with Aditi, whenever baba was not at home.
She is the best mother and I just love her.
I love baba too but you know this love only came because he is my baba.

In Aditi's wedding too, he wasn't allowing me to go saying it's not safe to travel that far alone but Aditi and Mumma saved me that time.

And this was the first time, I went anywhere alone.

When it was time for college, my father that time too didn't let me choose my desirable one even when I've cracked the entrance exam and the reason was same,

But I was adamant that after my studies, i will work out of my city or infact better country.
I want to live independently with freedom to go anywhere, buy whatever without those girl card.

But baba had another plan as soon as I achieved my bachelor's degree he started nagging me to find a boy as I was suitable enough to get married.

And then I thought what if I get married, I'll find someone who will allow me to work, a man who will respect me, love me and give me my snatched away freedom and we will be there for eachother
Destiny had another plan for me, in the main timing the devil, the monster came in my life like a storm and shattered my hope into pieces

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