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(Still to be edited)

"मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः मङ्गलम् गरुणध्वजः। मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥" .............

The auspicious mantra was being chanted by priests.
And I was still not able to digest the fact that I was meant to be with the man beside me, destiny is really playing dirty with me
How i wish the earth engulfed me so that I won't have to marry this monster. I despise him to the greatest extent

I looked at his reflection in the water which was kept in kalash.

He leaned to me and whispered

"Just a few more minutes and you will be mine for eternity"

"P-please d-don't do this, I don't want to marry you" I whispered sobbing silently not wanting people around us to hear

"Var aur vadhu phere ke lie khade ho jae" the priest said, he was about to stand up but i grabbed his hand again saying

"P-please stop this I beg you" But paying no heed to my words he stood up but I shook my head a little, he grabbed my wrist forcing me to stand, his mother was about to come and tie the cloth but he gave her a glare indicating not to come, his grip on my wrist tightens and he dragged me for phera around the holy fire while I tried to get release from his grip.

'sat phero se bana janmo ka ye bandhan'

And finally after completing it he made me sit down as the priest instructed

"What happened beta you look tense" Mama asked but he replied

"She is just feeling overwhelmed, aunty"

"Don't worry beta it will be alright" she said patting my head and placed a kiss on my crown through the dupata, no ma nothing is gonna be alright how i wish I can come to you and tell you my story but I'm scared not for me but for you guys only.

it was time to make me wear the Mangalsutra (nuptial chain) and he did that too causing a shiver to run down my body, then our head was covered with a yellow cloth so that he could fill my partition of hair with vermillion.

He lifted my veil and brown eyes which must have turned red due to crying met his cold and emotionless one.

"Please" i pleaded in a whisper which barely left my lips when the cold surface of the coin was pressed again my skin and the red auspicious powder fell in my partition and some on my face and a lone tear escaped from my eye.

"Welcome to my world Mrs Shanaya Rathore" He whispered with a victorious smirk plastered on his face and backed away while someone removed the cloth from our head.

He pulled me up to make me stand and held me by my shoulder to make sure I was stable and will not fall
Preist said to take blessings of elders I move forward touching feet of them while they blessed me which was for me nothing but some hollow blessings

I looked at him still rooted at his place i scoffed thinking of course why will the great Abhimanyu bend in front of someone.

Egoistic fucker

Sound of crying filled the place as overwhelmed by the situation, I was engulfed in my mother's arms resisting to move away while tears flows continuously from both of our eyes

"I-I will not leave you please ma please just let me stay with you please" i pleaded crying my voice heavy and breaking

"S-shh bacche don't worry we will meet soon don't worry" she said while sobbing herself I heard the car horn as it has been 10 mins since I'm in her arms

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