Asking her hand for marriage.

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I love the darkness in which I reside, my deepest demons which came into existence due to my sins, accompany me and for the first time ever i want to replace them with her, I know I'm no good for her but I will have her even if it means drowning together with her in the river of darkness.
I puff the smoke out of my mouth the intoxication of it making my inner self relieved

I grasped the glass which was half filled with alcohol and smirked at my today's victory because today I killed two birds with one stone.

Yesterday dadu sa gave me final warning of finding myself a bride, that man was getting on my nerves for almost two years telling me to get married and find a suitable 'yuvrani' for Rajasthan, i turned a blind eye for his request cum order but yesterday argument messed with my mind i really wanted to get away with his blabbering about a bahu as as I am already 27 and royal people ought to get married before the age the 26. And by threatening Shanaya to marry me I get to have her all for myself and also fulfill the wishes of my family, and save myself from the upcoming dramas.

I glanced at the watch and saw it was 11:12 pm

I called my wife to be
But her being the stubborn lady she is didn't receive it, she really wanna play with fire i called her again and again but she didn't pick up and at very last switched her phone up and not able to control the rage inside me I threw the glass which I was holding earlier

'You really are provoking me to show you something worse Darling let's show you what I can do'

Next morning.

S h a n a y a

I was preparing breakfast because my younger brother Veer wanted to eat pancakes which I made, today I was gonna tell them about the thing happening with me, I can't wait any longer after telling them all these things we will move away from here. Yesterday's event became a trauma night for me. I packed veer's tiffin and after which he went to school he is still in tenth standard.

Ma baba and I sat down on the dining table and started devouring pancakes

"Hmm you always make the best pancakes" ma said

"So true your in-laws will be impressed by your cooking skills" Maa said to which I stopped eating and numerous thoughts surrounded me.

"Yes beta you're already 23 and turning 24 after 2 months dear and in our family tradition girls should marry in their early twenties and your College will be ending just in 2 months too, so please tell if you have anyone in your mind or should we find someone for you, you know Rajesh's daughter Rohini got married yesterday and she was younger than you dear so try to understand" my dad said oh god how much I hate this topic who the hell get married at this early age in this century. But there was something in his tone a plead, a request coming deep from his heart

I always wonder even in this 21th century where it is said that boy and girl are equal and are treated equally, I wonder how hollow these words are.

I remember the story my relatives and my parents told me when I was born how my grandparents weren't that happy because it was a girl child and accused my mother for it even though they told me all this as a joke but the intensity of those words can be felt as you grow up. And on the other hand how happy my grandma was when ma gave birth to veer.

My grandparents never really spent any special time with me and sadly they are not with us but the feeling of being a burden because of being a girl child is what they have left me with as soon as I turned 12 they started advising papa to work harder to arrange dowry money and all, how they resisted the idea of sending me to a known private school to save money for veer's education. In every aspect of my life I feel a burden on my parents although my parents being a sweetheart they never tell all those things. But I have seen all this how my mother is treated because she is a woman, in every argument of their papa is the one to raise his voice every time and prove his statement right how ma have to do all things accordingly to papa just like when ma went to buy clothes for wedding and the money was not enough how she bought it for veer and papa saying that me and her will adjust and women have to adjust accordingly to the environment

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