Mean Mugging.

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"because... I have..(gco)

he was just about to reveal what's going on when Ms. Valley noticed that instead of going to the bathroom I was outside fraternizing with Marcel. I tried to hurry and coax the truth out of him but Ms. valley bustled towards us quicker than anticipated.

"Ms. Hudson, get in class now." she yells. Ms. valley doesn’t necessarily have a firm hand. She’s a “I don’t care just don’t kill anyone” type of teacher. She goes with the flow and doesn’t bother us.

"look, I see you have to go, we'll talk later" he says  nervously before he practically runs off.

*next class*

I walk in class and wonder what was this big secret he had to tell me. He looked like it was something big he had to get off of his chest. I hope it's nothing too bad. I’d hate to have to cut him loose. Time has ticked by really slowly. I’m agitated and tired of waiting. The truth needs to be revealed. I’m tired of all of this secrecy marcel got going on. He’s too much sometimes. I often find myself weighing the pros and cons of our potential relationship. He has a lot of cons, but those are easily masked by his pros. I just hate secrets and liars. The bell finally rings. 

I wander through the hallway until I decide to go to class. I'm walking into my next class and I take a seat up front. None of my friends have this class with me, so I’m alone. But I don’t care, I was born alone, I’ll die alone, so I see no point in needing a crutch all the time. When I’m six feet under, no one's going to be in the casket with me, so why stress keeping up with friends. I keep my circle small and tight, I have no time for petty invasions in my clique. I am doing my work vigorously, so I can chill for the remainder of the period. You know that feeling you get when you feel like someone is staring holes into the back of your damn head. I’m having that feeling currently, and boy is it strong, so of course I look up. But it seem like every time I look up I see this girl mean mugging me like it’s going out to of style. 20 minutes pass and this chick is still staring. Seem to me her eyes will be dry and cracked, because I doubt she’s blinking.  At least she switches it up, She's either staring hard or rolling those buggy eyes at me. I don’t know what her problem is, but I’m about to solve it if she don’t calm all of that down. Don’t let the white girl attitude fool you. soon she's sitting a few rows across from me running her mouth with her friends. they keep talking and looking back at me. But I'm not sweating it, let them hate. It's the last 15 minutes of class and I’m done with my work. I plug in my ear buds and start to jam to the music. I’m in my zone when someone rudely taps me on the shoulder. I look up, obviously pissed off that I was interrupted. In front of me is the girl. She is an average height, brown skinned girl with two tone weave, a huge head, and a weary look in her colossal eyes. I don’t know what to expect with this cheek. Some many personalities are clashing when I look at her. I compose myself before turning towards her in my desk.

"what?!?" I say with an attitude.

"umm watch your tone. I have a question for you" mystery girl says.

"what could you possibly have to ask me?" I say with a dumb expression. Is she serious?

"I heard that you and marcellll (she drags out the l's) are talking. Is it true? “she says before placing meaty hands on my desk.  

"yeah, why?"

"that's all" she says before turning to walk away.

"nope. you came over here, what do you want? You and your friends wasted precious class time talking trash. Speak your mind! You bad!" I enunciated.

" alright, I was going to wait until class was over, but I will just let you know now, I DON'T like you, you think just because you're light skinned and can dance that everybody is supposed to bow down. Because You have these ugly boys wanting you, you're all that right? WRONG! I bow down to no one. But, that's not the real reason I don't like you. This is a warning, keep your sneaky fingers away from my boyfriend or I will cut them off. he doesn't want you so move along home-wrecker." she gives me the evil eye and walks out of the class and into the arms of the one and only Marcel. 

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