Let's Chill.... Chill pt. 2

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Aubree's POV

For the longest time, I just sat there and stared at my phone. I'm wondering if this is as real as it seems. I instantly regretted everything I'd done. How could I be so stupid? How could I betray Gio like this? He'd devoted himself to me, and I lay up with someone else? Someone he despises at that! I let my vulnerability and loss of affection lead me into the arms of Marcel. Why can't I shake him? It's been months after months, and the first chance that approaches itself, I lay in his hotel bed with him. Who does that? I just can't believe I slipped up and sent Gio the message that was meant for Marcel. Forcing myself to see the evidence, I frantically begin to sift through yesterday's messages. And true enough, the message I thought I sent to Marcel, was sent to Gio. Completed with the series of x's and o's. Curse my luck. I slumped over in bed and stared at the ceiling. Okay Bree, get yourself together. What do I do? I need a damage control plan! Do I lie and cover up my tracks? Or do I tell the truth and possibly get dumped by the love of my life? Well the latter is obviously out of the equation. So.. I lie. Think, think... got it!

PrincessBree: You babe. I can't wait to see you tonight, on Oovoo boo! I just miss you so much... I get so lonely. :(

I patiently wait until he replies. Hoping it's soon before I hyperventilate. I'm so nervous. I'm shaking all over.

Gio: Oh, I wish I could babygirl. I don't have my computer. I forgot to pack it, and you know I can't download files onto hotel computers. I want to see you too.

PrincessBree: aww, baby. It's okay. I miss you.

Gio: I miss you too. I love you.

PrincessBree: I love you too. ;)

*end of text mode*

I sigh to myself. It seems like I've been doing a lot of that lately. I truly and honestly love Gio, he is my better half. I plan on him being my first and last for everything! I hate that I've become a liar to him. Especially when I've pushed him so much, to the verge of our relationship, about lying. And here I go, doing the exact same thing I forbid him to do. Hypocrite. It's just, I can't hurt him. How can you hurt someone you love so much? I can't tell him the things I've recently done with Marcel. He'll possibly kill him and leave me, then I will definitely be alone then. If he leaves me, my entire being will split into two. I can't handle that. I can't even fathom life without him. I love him too much to hurt him like that. But I ask myself, if I love him as much as I say I do, why am I still here? Still in this bed? Still here with Marcel? This is it. I can't do this anymore. I'm going to end this little "fling" I'm having with Marcel, and tell Gio the truth, well when the time is right. And I know when people say that, the time is never right, but I'll tell him before he finds out from someone else. I look over to see Marcel asleep. He looks so peaceful. Feeling emotional, I lie under the covers and snuggle up to him. I sigh in comfort. Unconsciously he rolls over and wraps me in his embrace. Sometime I think about how it'd be if things never ended between Marcel and I, like maybe we'd be an amazing couple and grow old together or something like that. I know it sounds corny, but I can help my imagination. However I am very thankful I met Gio. Gosh, what would life be like if I hadn't met Giovanni. Probably a lewd one, like the one I am currently in with Marcel. While in my thoughts, I feel him kissing my neck. I know his intentions, it's obvious that the hold he has on me is not innocent, and it's filled with lust. Soon he kisses turn from pecks to feverish. Even though it was completely wrong, it feels sooooo good. I can't help but return the favor. I'm lying there reveling in how good of a harmony we make. I feel his rough hands graze my bare skin. His urgent fingers began dancing on my belly. Our leg started to tangle. It is then that my hazy mind snapped out of this lustful oblivion and I slightly push him away.

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