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Aubree's POV

Love? Love is so powerful. When Gio sent that beautiful text, my heart stopped. It seemed like all of the thoughts flowing through my brain had evaporated. I kept hearing the word over and over. An wondering how it sound passing his lips. I didn't know what to say, so all I said was Awe. I know that wasn't the best move, but all that went through my mind was: Do I love Gio? He means so much to me. I care about him to the depths of my heart and soul. But love? Love is a very strong word.  All signs point that I’m in love this him, I mean seeing as I was in love with marcel and jaylin. I didn’t contemplate this deeply over whether or not I loved them. But that’s the problem, I rushed it with them. So the love didn’t blossom full force like it’s doing with Gio. The love with them was puppy love, it’s not on the adult stage of love that I have with Gio. So there wasn’t much to think over. Gio makes me nervous. He makes me second guess everything. Every fiber in my being wants to say that I am completely and utterly in love with him, because I truly believe it. but then again, How can I love him when I want to experience things. I am fully wrapped in Gio, but love is SO.. I don't know. Words can't even describe what love feels like. I'm not talking about that infatuation I held with Jaylin or that Puppy love I had with Marcel, I'm talking about genuine love. I want that, but not until I am ready. I know Gio will give me that genuine love, because he doesn't play games with my heart. I just... I don't know what to expect. Gio is so unpredictable, that's what I love about him, but can my heart take that? I just don't know. And to top that off, He's going to college soon. I'll just be his high-school sweetheart while he goes off and experience life. I'll still be here devoting myself to my college boyfriend who is around more mature college girls who can give him the "college experience". Every day I'm with him, that's always in the back of my mind. That he'll go away and forget me. Then there's prom, and he can’t even take me. I know he probably doesn't want to go stag, that'll be more the reason to end things. Everything is just on my mind. I really need to sit down and talk to him, and clear my conscience. I refuse to sit here and mope and let my mind make up all of these outrageous scenarios when I can just sit down and talk with him. I drag my tired body out of the bed and take a shower. I get out and brush my hair into a bun. I throw on a pink hoodie, some light jeans, and some Sperry's. Today is not a fancy day. I put on some pearls and plop down on my bed.

Texting Gio:

Hey Boo.

Hey Babygirl. :)

What are you doing today, I want to see you.

Chilling really. You can come.

Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes.



15 minutes Later

I am pulling into Gio's driveway and jump out the car. I had stopped by American Deli on the way here and got our favorites. Hot wings, Fries, and Coke.

I run to the door and knock. I wait patiently outside until Gio's grandmother comes to the door to greet me. She wraps me in a warm hug and tells me Gio's in his room. I tell her bye and walk towards the room. I knock lightly on the door and walk in.

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