All about him.

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Gio's POV

My name is Giovanni Gambino. Sounds familiar? Well, we'll talk about that later. Anyways, everyone  just calls me Gio. Those on the streets, at school, everywhere around me call me Gio. Only my grandma calls me  Giovanni. I've been a boss for 17 years. Born and raised in Atlanta. I'm a money chaser, money isn’t the most important thing, but it’s become a  necessity. To live in this gruesome world, money gets you far. Yen, guap, green, cash, pesos, dough, bucks, mullah, cheddar, pounds, franks, dollar bills, bread, it’s all people have to keep them afloat and survive. You need it to keep food on your table, clothes on your back. People get real slimy over a few dollars. So in this world I decided I wasn’t going to make what I do make me. I was going to make it. it wouldn’t capture and imprison me, over a few pieces of green paper that people would blow the next man’s head off for. I've got big dreams and goals. people doubt me, but I'll make it. When I get to the top, I’ll be looking down on all these people who doubted id make it out these streets. When  I become big, I'll need a bomb woman on my arm. I think met her. I was from the projects, My dad was a real hustler, and he hustled for everything. He didn’t want no handouts. He wanted something greater for our family. He refused to be made a mockery of. So he left for a good minute, I became man of the house and when he came back, we were living lavish. He moved us out of the projects and to a suburb in Fayetteville. I have an older sister, who's about to give me a nephew. I’m ecstatic for that. I used to be a player. But I changed. My dad taught me how to be a man and my mom taught me how to treat a woman, so taking that from them made me change my doggish ways. I am a gentleman. So on my first day, I'm dressed in a simple black hoodie, some camo shorts and some foams. Light work. Walking through the halls, people talk. I don't even look like I'm from here. I probably look like a freak, an attractive one, but nevertheless a freak. So my first class is chem. My teacher introduces me. I look in every-one’s eyes. I know what type of people they are, they’re the judgmental kinds. The sellout ones for a quick buck or for a position. The backstabbers. Then the most outrageous thing happens. I’m scanning the faces of the mediocre people and  I see her. She stuck out amongst the crowd. She shouldn’t even be in this class. She’s her own category, she’s on another caliber. She just stared at me. Man. No words could be formed. No thoughts, it was silence.  I don't even think I'm breathing. She’s so beautiful, like an angel. She's on the short side, but it's cute. She looks soft and fragile, I just want to protect her.” What is wrong with you Gio, get yourself together” I scold myself.  She has good tri-colored hair. I never used to notice this much about a girl. But she... She's different. I look away to find a seat. To break the ice I say "what's good class" and I just start dapping up random people, like I know them. I look around and All of the empty seats are by desperate girls, so I go sit by the girl I was staring real hard at. I just turned and looked at her. She is gorgeous man. I go sit by  hair and just admire everything about her. The way she smiles, how she tries to be all tough, how her eyes crunch when she’s thinking. I was so wrapped into this girl it was insane. The class, the school , the world could be under attacked and we’ll be annihilated and I wouldn’t know. I would sit in this seat and stare at this girl until my dying breath. So we start talking and she's a fiery one, just like I like it. She's my partner, I'm thankful. Extremely. Ha-ha. Good thing she's single, because if I Want them, I get them and I want her. Watch out Aubree.

Aubree's POV

It's been a few weeks since I met Giovanni. A few weeks of constant smiling, laughter, touches, hugs, and carcaresses. A few weeks since my heart has begun recovery. A few weeks of feeling like I can breathe again and have not one care in the world. A few weeks of experiencing something genuinely real. These weeks held some of the greatest days of my life. I feel alive. Every day I receive a good morning and goodnight message. It ranges from "good morning beautiful" to "morning gorgeous". Or either "good night sleepy head". Every night I get a call, we stay on the phone for hours. Talking about EVERYTHING, the past, childhood memories, fights, families, past relationships, moments, life, death, family, favorites;  anything you can think of, we talked about. We slightly skipped the basics and went straight into the deep. Every moment, I know that I can look to my right and see him, looking down at me. Every chance we have, we're together. He traded in his lunch table, now we sit together. He walks me to my classes. Carries my books, gives me rides to and from school. He loves all of my friends. Gio. He's special. He’s heaven-sent.  I have learned so much about him through the peer assignment, I feel like I know him. I told him all about me. I've never felt this, not for Jaylin, Marcel, or any of those attempts. It's October now. It's been a month of him, every day. I'm not saying I'm in love with him. yes, I have love for him, but I'm not in love. It's weird, At first I couldn't stand him. but gradually, he changed me. He maneuvered his way into my heart. Which I swore would never happen. Marcel seizes to exist. He's in the background, however He's always there. Our friendship is rocky, because he wants more. But I'm content. He's still jealous. But I don't care. He hurt me, so how he feels no longer matters. all there is, is Gio. I'm waiting for him to make his move and reveal how he truly feels. Gio has found a way to capture my heart. I trust him to not break it.

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