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Aubree's POV

This week has dragged by so slowly and its starting to take a toll on me. After the little meeting with marcel, he’s been blowing my phone up so much. Texts after texts, calls after calls, voicemails so long. None of those ever said the things I wanted to hear. No I’m sorry or no forgive me. All of them were about working on our friendship and chilling sometime soon. None of them indicated that he acknowledged his mistakes. None of them made me feel like this was worth it. now I know how much I meant to him. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t miss him because I do. I think the pain is because he lied to me. He promised me, he would never lie to me. After I told him about the thing with jaylin, he had me confide and trust in him that he will never  do something so ruthless. And that’s exactly what hurts. And even though I denied it to anybody who asked me, it’s true; I did love him. It was still brewing so I wasn’t ready for the alter, but nevertheless it was love. I made a pact to myself that I’m not giving my heart out all willy nilly anymore. If someone wants to capture my heart, they have to put in work. No more giveaways, that’s over. I’ve revamped myself, now built bullet proof. for instance, jade. I am still processing that she threatened me. I mean she had the audacity to do that; and not even in person, the psycho sends a creepy letter. Who does that? That crazy witch already ruined my "relationship" with Marcel. All I want to know is How did she get me that note? And how did she know I was with him? Is she stalking me? Him?  You never know nowadays. But I’m not stressing it, she’s all talk but no bark. She  hasn't done anything since that little "warning". She doesn't have a reason to. Unlike what I’ve expected, Marcel, the "player" with his good looks and sweet talking ways, hasn't sent me one text or called with the right things to say, in a whole week. Not that I have tried to make amends, I miss him and but he's dead to me. It just sucks that he looks better every day. You know that old saying "it hurts so much watching the one you love, love someone else" that’s the perfect example for us. I have to sit back with the broken heart while jade is soaking up all the “loving”, isn’t this something!  its messed up that he couldn't be real with me and let me know what was up from the beginning. There's no turn-around for us.

Sneakerhead97: I'm sorry.                                                  

Speaking of the devil. After all of this, he FINALLY says he's sorry. Like that makes the situation better, but I still wanted one. Just to  know I meant something. I had to wait a week to get it, but it is what it is.

PrincessBree: I don't want your apologies. Just leave me alone.

Sneakerhead97: go to your door.

Curiosity killed the cat. I climb out of my warm bed and scurry to the door. There it is sitting there on the stoop. 5 dozen roses, boxes of chocolate, some perfume, candies, my favorite movies, and a note. I feel my eyes well. In black and white, the note says

"I never meant to hurt you. I know this doesn't repair the damage I've done. But I'm sorry. Please talk to me. <3”        

Love Marcel.

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