Chapter 13: Hope

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Darkness engulfed me as I fell, deeper and deeper until there was nothing left. After what felt like an eternity of falling, I finally hit the ground.

I pulled myself up and looked around. There was... nothing.

I looked left and right, but there was nothing there. Only darkness.

Is darkness really anything? I wondered. Is darkness truly just the absence of light? And if it is, does that make it something?

I began to walk further into the nothingness. The black, tar-like world surrounded me as I moved forward.

I felt no pain anymore, just... nothing.

My mind was in a completely different place, and my legs led me aimlessly into the dark.

The air smelled like dirt as I continued to walk through the dark space.

Deeper and deeper I went until something finally appeared in my line of sight.

"Is someone there?" I shouted into the darkness.

The only sound I heard was the echo of my own voice bouncing along the void.

"Hello?" I tried again, but again the only response was my own echo.

As my legs carried me closer to the strange figure, my mind wandered.

Where am I?

Am I dead?

Where is The Boy in White?

Finally, I snapped back to reality as I stood facing the stranger's back.

"Hello?" I said, lightly tapping the person on their shoulder.

The stranger turned and stared at me with cold, dead eyes.

It was me.

"Who are you?" I questioned. "Are you me?"

The figure just stared back, his blue eyes matching mine.

"The Boy in White, is that you?" I asked.

The figure—myself—just stared back at my face.

Giving up, I turned around, but was strangely met with another figure I wasn't expecting to see.


"Randy, is that you?" I said to the second figure that stared at me. His green eyes bore into mine as I rushed forward to engulf him in a hug.

"Thank God you're here. I have no idea what's happening right now. Am I dead? Are you dead? Where are we?" The questions grew like wildfire, with no way to control them.

I eventually pulled away from Randy and looked at him. He looked the same as before, except for a few things.

His eyes were glued to my every move.

His once tanned skin was now white as paper, and his once lively eyes were now dull and grim.

"Randy?" I questioned. "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, his mouth turned upward into a smile.

It wasn't the nice, warming kind of smile. It was a full-face smile filled with pain.

He began to laugh giddily at me.

Scared, I tried turning away, but he pushed me into myself.

I looked at the person before me. The smile looked unpleasant on my own face as the copycat shoved me back into another figure.

As I held onto the person for support after being shoved, I looked up and was met with another familiar face.

"Danny?" I gasped.

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