Chapter 14: Here We Go Again

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"I'm fine," I rasped. "I will be once we find a way out, and I think I know exactly where we're going..."

As we walked out of the graveyard, a chill wind cut through my clothes, raising goosebumps on my skin. The trees around us seemed to close in, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching out to snatch us away. I hurried home to gather supplies for the journey, every shadow dancing menacingly at the edge of my vision.

The thought of returning to that well left an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. A cold dread that spread through my veins like ice; freezing my blood. 

I rummaged through drawers and cupboards throwing random supplies into my bag.







As I finished checking all the supplies making sure I wasn't missing anything I went to change my dirty ass clothes. 

I limped upstairs into my bedroom and began changing into better clothes incase it decided to rain again like the last time I was in the Wakefield woods...

I quickly changed into some green cargo pants followed by a long sleeve blue and white t shirt. Lastly I made sure Randy's sweater was securely tied around my waist as I threw on a rain jacket over my outfit. I wobbled slowly into my bathroom, my reflection in the mirror pale and gaunt, looking for the bandages.

I grabbed the new bandages and began to unravel the old ones. My hands trembled as I gingerly began to unravel the blood soaked bandage on my leg to reveal my sickening bite wound. Each unraveling layer revealed a more grotesque sight.

Dried blood cracked on the edges of the bite as it refused to heal.

The bite wound displayed a horrid spectacle of torn flesh and festering infection. The surrounding skin was an angry, inflamed red, mottled with dark purplish bruises.

As I pulled the final layer of bandage away, it exposed my raw, gaping lacerations where the wolf's teeth had sunk deep into my leg. Pus oozed from the puncture marks, a sickly yellow-green fluid that gave off a putrid stench, assaulting my nostrils and making my stomach churn.

I held my breath feeling a bit woozy at the sight of my own decaying leg. 

The edges of my wound were ragged and torn, the flesh around it beginning to necrotize, turning a ghastly shade of blackish gray. 

Nekros the root of the word necrotize meaning 'dead' or 'corpse'. Did that mean I was going to die? Now that I thought about it my leg did hurt more than it should have and I haven't checked up on it in a while...but surely it wouldn't kill me...Right?

My eyes stung at the sight of the decaying tissue as it was enough to make even the strongest person recoil in horror. I turned my face away as I saw a few dead, maggot-like worms nestled in the deeper crevices, drawn by the infection and decay. 

The grotesque sight made me recoil in fear at my health. Was this really happening? I questioned my own sanity as I finished wrapping my leg in clean bandages. Or was this a trick of the mind from being trapped in this hell hole for so long? I began to question my sanity unsure of what else to do...

Death was close by and I could feel it. It was looming over me like a shadow. It was waiting for me. Watching and waiting until the infection would spread and take over or until I simply gave up... Time was running short. My life was slowly inching closer to death. I needed to get out of here not only to save Randy and Danny but to save myself.

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