the most feared duo

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♧tomoe's PoV♧

"ahh bro! that was another awsome kill" my brother says happily, "yeah sure" i say indifferent. "hey have you heard of Neira of the West?" "yeah why?" "i heared Neira is a Female kitsune, she has almost as big a reputation as us" "what are you implying?" "oh nothing" akura-oh smiles smudgly. i don't trust it.

"are you thinking of killing her?" "maybe...." "she hasn't done anything to harm us so count me out" "aww partypooper" i scoff at his behaviour. "i'm going" i say with a gush of wind i'm gone, i stand in front of my GINORMOUS castle. i swing the door open. i sit down on a chair and start cleaning my katana, 'why did akura-oh start about her anyway?' i think.

 Nanami's PoV♡

i already packed and am waiting on Reyna to arrive, i hear footsteps nearing quickly jerk around readying my sword. "WHOA! Neira it's just me Reyna" i release the breath i didn't know i was holding, "never scare me like that again... i thought you were him" "sorry well let's go it's a long trip to the east" i nodd.

"come follow me" i say as i start walking in front.

¤time skip¤

it's already dark and we've decided to set up our camp in the middle of a forest clearing. "i hear a river nearby i'll get us some new water" i grab the can for water and make my way through the bushes. i was right after about 3 minutes i reach a small river, i kneel next to the water and lower the can. just as the can is filled with water i hear a roar, i jump up and spin around.

"oh lookie here! a female... yous smells innocent" i snarl "i don't have time for your perverted ways now move demon!" "nowsie nowsie the female isn'ts nice whats to do?" "just repay her with the same coin!" another one says as he appears from nowhere "buts i don't have no coins" i feel my fire starting to burn in my veins "i said MOVE!" i growl. "shh female i ams thinkings whats to do with yous"

"i give you 10 seconds to move out of my way!" i warn them 10....9 "oh no! she's gonna run for it you idiot! grab her!"...7...6 oh screw it 0! the moment the demon reaches for me i unsheat my katana. the demon howls in pain as the metal slits his arm, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO HARM MY BROTHER!" the other one schreeches "i am Neira..... not pleased to meet you"i introduce myself with a cold smile. the demon brothers turn pale "m-miss N-neira we're so sorry......p-please spare us"

"let me think about that" i grab my chin in between my index finger and thumb, acting like i'm thinking it over "how" i laugh as i decapitate them. once i'm finished i burn my name in the ground again, "pervs"i spat as i grab the can with water and head back to Reyna.

when she notices me she asks "what did they do?" "they were perverts"is all i reply. Reyna nodds "let's go to sleep early then we can continue our journey early in the morning when most demons start their slumber or are still slumbering"after we cook the water we put it in closeable mugs and lay down to rest. it doesn't take long before darkness takes over.....

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