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Nanami's PoV

we've started walking again as soon as the first sunrays touched the dark night sky. now according to the sun it's around noon, reyna hisses next to me.

"what's the matter?" "n-nothing" "Reyna" i say her name sternly, "it's nothing really" i feel something aproaching...... fast. "DUCK!" i yell at reyna.

without thinking she lets herself drop to the ground, we hit the ground at the same time. a arrow flies over our heads, it strucks a tree entering it to the shaft.

"damn that was close" i mutter, using my senses to check the area. "they aren't in a 30 mile radium" i say before picking myself of the ground, dusting my clothes from the dirt. i help Reyna up as well, "guess we've passed the border to the West" i state.

"you think?" Reyna asks sarcasticly, i ignore her tone for once, i'm focusing on my surroundings my eyes see a slight movement in the distance. it's to big to be of one man "oh boy, here comes trouble" "why do you say that?" i point in the direction of the movement "you can't tell me that's just a group of travelers" i comment.

"oh" i turn to the right, another movement. "sh*t they're cornering us!" i exclaim, grabbing Reyna's wrist i run towards a opening in their positioning.

as if they anticipated my move they closed the gap, that's when i realise my mistake........ i had forgotten the first lesson of combat. never turn your back on your opponent.

with a jerk i turn around, Reyna catches my drift and we stand back-to-back facing the men. "well well well...." a large demon steps foward, i roll my eyes at his cliché entrance. "you've crossed our border without paying tututtut that isn't how it's done lady's"

"oh whatever" Reyna replies almost as annoyed as i am, "do you know whom you're talking to missy?" "oh get over yourself" i snap "do you know to whom you're talking two?" i retort "eh two lady's who didn't pay to cross the border obviously"

i chuckle "this is my sister-in-crime Reyna" "haven't heard of her" Reyna smirks "oh but i think you heard of her my sister-in-crime Neira" as soon as she said that the group began talking amoung themselfs.

"l-like neira of the east?" "yes so you have heard of me i'm honored!" I mock "what is your buisness on lord tomoe and lord akura-oh's territory?" I raise a brow. "Oh so now we can talk to you?" Reyna snaps, i give her a warning glare. "I guess we could tell you what my buisness is but you won't like it......"

"we've come to challenge the feared duo!" i annouce loudly, the demons roar out of rage. "you'll not do such a thing!!!!" i smirk "just try to stop me"













they lunged at us. in a flash reyne and i had unsheated our katana's, "not gonna use your fire sis?" "not till i have to" i answer as i cut down a demon left of me.

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