saved.....or not

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I stare shocked at the one infront of me. He gives me a gentle smile, but unfortunatly some one notices it isn't Sora whom kissed me....

It was the priest "WHO ARE YOU?!" He yells at tomoe. Tomoe smirks and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. With a poof he is engulfed with smoke, i start coughing and turn my head away.

The smoke thins out and there stands the Tomoe i know, my mate. "I AM TOMOE OF THE EAST AND I HAVE COME TO RETRIEVE MY MATE!" he announces loudly

I involuntarly blush, Danged fox making me blush with just words. The crowd starts muttering amoung themselves their faces showing distaste. 'Of course, this was to be expected of them... stealing someone's mate' and 'the poor couple' is the most uttered sentence.

Rei stands up with a load roar of hatred, i cringe but stand next to tomoe clinging desperately onto his arm. 'Please don't take me....please j-just stay there...don't hurt me..... daddy please' i think as i clamp my eyes shut and burry my face into his kimono.

Tomoe growls lowly as he moves me behind him, his back vibrates with the continues growl. "Hey sl*t, stop clinging to your new employer and come out you dirty b*tch" i whimper and burry my head deeper into my mate's back.

The door is slammed open and everyone stops and turns to see whom it is........Sora.....

He looks very .....messy. his undergarments are smudged with mud, "you bast*rd!" He snarles at tomoe "you dare to steal my wife!" Tomoe smirks again. "Technically it is my wife since i said the vows and kissed her" he mocks.

I look at Sora's face expecting utter rage but instead i see a lazy smile "oh yeah? She isn't your wife. You said your vows and kissed her using my name and my appearance"

"But then wouldn't that mean i am no ones wife yet?" I add, everyone turns to me now. "W-well because it wasn't really S-Sora to vow and kiss me but it wasn't Tomoe either because he didn't look like himslef or used his own n-name..." i trail off and look away not wanting to see their reaction.

Tomoe chuckles "even at a time like this..." he mumbles, suddenly my body goes limp. Tomoe catches me just before i hit the ground, "love what's the matter?" He asks me paniced.

My eyes grow large in fear as i smell a familiar scent one that i fear more then Rei and Sora combined.

I can hardly move a limp but i know even without looking that he entered the temple. With struggle i lift my head and meet concerened purple eyes. Tomoe's eyes shoot between me, Sora, Rei and what i guess is Tsubaki.

"Well i see you brought me my lovely toy!" He exclaims happily. Tomoe covers my eyes with one hand, i try to ask him the reason but am incapable to voice my thoughts. I feel quick shifts in our position, after a while i am greeted by warmth.

Tomoe uncovers my eyes and i blink against the harsh light of the fire. When my eyes adjusted to the light i look around, we are surrounded by some kind of barrier of flames.

My eyes trail back to my mate, i gasp in shock. His body is all bloody and battered, tears spring into my eyes, this is because of me.... if i wasn't in this helpless state i wouldn't have held him back like this and he wouldn't gotten so badly injured.

"I...i am sorry" i mouth, silent sobs rank through my body. Tomoe hugs me tightly "shhh it's ok, it's ok.. i am fine and so are you don't cry love.... don't cry" he whispers soothingly into my ear.

Suddenly i hear thunder rumbling followed by a blinding light. I feel a stinging pain in my shoulder that is all to familiar, Tsubaki's lightning. I feel blood streaming down and it isn't mine.

My eyes grow wide as Tomoe starts coughing furociously, blood trinkling down the corner of his mouth. Using all my strength i softly lay him on his side keeping his airway cleared. I look at the gaping hole in his chest the wound already had been scorched close but the damage has already been done.

Tears seem to stream endlessly out of my eyes, my strength depleated my body goes limp once again and i hit the ground next to tomoe. Shakingly i try to reach him but halfway someone steps onto my hand.

I yelp in pain, the person i have identified as Tsubaki laughs and jerks me up by my wrists. "It's been a while hasn't it doll?" I don't listen my eyes are focused on tomoe's body, behind him i see Sora and Rei walking up towards his body.

They start laughing and kicking his sides while he is completely helpless. I scream and i feel my entire body pulsate, it turns hotter and hotter. Unexpectedly my flames burst out of me directed towards the 3 men.

I hear Rei and Sora's screams, they step away from tomoe. My pink flames engulf him like armor and little essence flames go in and out of his body. I feel something gnawing at the bat of my mind but am consumed by darkness befor i can aknowledge it.................

I am soooo sorry for taking so long soooooo to make it up i have something special for youuuuu............

Akura-oh's PoV (yes you read that right)

After tomoe ran off i gatherd all the weaklings at my disposal and got the whimpering girl before heading further into town.

As we reach this weird building-a temple i guess- i hear a scream. My excitement flares and i rush into the building only to get scorched by bright pink flames.

I cover my eyes and wait for the flames to stop burning like they always do. After a moment my arm goes numb and drops back to my side i reopen my eyes and stare fascinated and the black flesh that is still smoking. I slowly look at my surroundings, all i see is fire.

Bright pink flames eating away at the wooden temple i hear even more screams. My lips tilt into a grin as i lazyly walk down the hall. Admiring the pink flames, i never seen such flames.

I reach the main room and see Tomoe on fire, i run towards him. He is pale and his chest has a gaping hole. I try to touch him but the flames scorch my fingers black, i groan in annoyance.

Suddenly Tomoe's hand shoots up to my arm and clamps it tightly in his grip,but the flames covering him somehow don't hurt now. "Yo bro! What happened to you?" I ask.

"they have.....her" he croaks out. "Who have whom?" Tomoe coughs harshly "m-mate..." he whispers before he goes limp again.

His arm falls back next to him, i stare at the flames and see little parts drop into the hole and jumping out again....what are those thing doing.

To whom belong this pink flames? i smirk as i see the still scorched flesh of my arm and fingers. Finally a opponent whom could try to beat me.........

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