a new face

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akura-oh's PoV
i groan in frustration, it has been AGES and tomoe still hasn't woken up. to top that i have no single clue about who's the owner of those freaky pink flames! oh... and we still haven't found Neira...

i glance at the black haired whimp next to me "oi!" she raises her head to look at me "stop crying it makes you ugly" the girl glares at me, but she doesn't scare meat all. she's just like a baby bird, weak and helpless.

no way i'm going to be afraid of her! i scoff "don't take it to heart! i just think you should cut the whining, crying and b*tching and just help me look for her" she hisses at me.

i raise my eyebrow, "want me to just leave her there where ever she is and kill you? because believe my i won't have any problem doing so"

she wordlessly shakes her head and glances at tomoe, the pink flames have faded a little but are still there. the wound has completely healed.

Reyna brushes with her hand a few hairs away from Tomoe's face.
i suddenly have the urge to rip her head of, " get your f*cking hands of him" i snarl,why? i don't know....

Reyna quickly takes her hand back eyeing me unsure. "what? he's Neira's mate for f*cks sake! you'll keep your hands off of him in the future or i'll just deliberately cut them of with a rusty sword!"

i don't know why i'm suddenly so protective of Neira i mean not moments before i had just brushed her of as unimportant and now i'm freaking threathing her sister for touching tomoe.... and not for Tomoe but for Neira.

The neko stalks out of the room while i'm deep in thought. this is making no sense, a scream jerks me out of my train of thoughts. it's that annoying woman, i sigh and get up. when i get outside my breath hitches, Neira all bloody and battered standing infront of us.

clothing ripped, sword pressed against her frail neck. the bastard holding her smirks at us, Neira whimpers and then they're gone.... like they never were there to begin with. leaving me and Reyna shocked beyond words.

tsubaki's pov (who else wants to kill him? -(0.0)/ i do)

i smirk as i saw the b*tch reyna standing shocked looking at my little slave, i press the sword harder into her neck. suddenly another guy pops up, also staring shocked at my slave. i recognise him as the infamous Akura-oh, my smirk grows. this makes it all the more fun!

i use my power to get us back to the house, i drop the sword and laugh as it clatters on the ground. Nanami is quick to move away from me but not too far, "you!" i exclaim as i look her in her big doe-like eyes. she fliches as if expecting me to be furious but i'm too estatic to care "thanks to you i've gotten two of the strongest demons wrapped around my fingers"

Nanami looks at the ground, i glare at her stupid b*tch. "prepare my food!" i snap at her, "y-yes master" she squeaks before scurrying away. i smirk again, oh finally she's all mine.

only i get to eat her delicious cooking, only i get to look at her all day, only i get to make her do everything for me. it feels great, it feels mighty i can finally just have her without any distractions.

i get pulled out my thoughts by her soft voice "uhm...m-master? "what?" i snap, can't she see she interrupted my thoughts about her? she whimpers "s-sorry but we-we've run out o-of food" she whispers nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

i put the leash on her collar and take her to the kitchen, i get paper and a carchoal pen "write it down", shakingly she writes down the food we need.

after she has finished i snatch it away from her en tie her to a pole in her 'cage' "i'll be back with the food" i state and walk out, leaving her all alone.

???? pov

i brush a strand of brown hair out of my face, stupid parents! my baby sister isn't dead! i just know it, she has to be out here somewhere.

i've heared rumours about a brownhaired kitsune creating heavoc, although their names are different she has the exact discription as my sweet little babysister. her scent has led me to this old village, to the little temple.... well its charred remains and now to this weird cottage.

I gently knock on the door, "hello? Is anyone there?" I hear an heated arguement coming from inside before a soft voice calls out to me. "C-coming!", the door slides open revealing a dark haired neko girl.

"U-uhm hi...? C-can i.. i-i mean is na...neira? Here?" i ask slightly nervous, what if she hates me? or-or doesn't even remember me? the girl glares at me "why would you need to speak to my sister?" she snaps.

my heart shatters, 'she has replaced me' i think sadly but apparently i said it out loud as the neko says "what do you mean replaced you?" she questions me her intrest sparked. "oh it doesn't matter... besides i don't even know if she's the girl i'm looking for"

"then who are you looking for?" i smile getly as i remember the bubbly baby "i'm looking for my baby sister... although she should be about 516 right now" the neko girl gawks at me "w-what is your sisters name?" she asks stuttering.

"Nanami.... my sisters name is Nanami"

*gasp* oh dear! Nanami has a bigger sister 0.o well this should be intresting...tomoe's wound is all healed so its only a matter of time before he wakes up, but why is akura-oh protective over nanami? that's for me to know and for you to find out *winks* so stay with me for the upcoming chapters!! 

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