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Nanami's PoV

after everything calmed down my adrenaline level evaporated pretty quickly and fear starts kicking in. i dig my hands in my hair "what have i done?" i mumble terrified. no way in hell is he letting this slide. i groan "i just dug my own grave didn't i?" i ask my friends. Yukiji wraps her arms around me "it'll be ok dear! we'll just have to change our plans" 

"plans? what do you mean?" she smirks at me "we'll escape tonight!" she beams whilst i'm looking at her shocked beyond words. "come again?" "you heard me" "but-but how?" "well we've," she gestures at the rest of the girls "just figured out what to do" i gawk at them, every thought in my head is jumbled. well it seems that i just have to trust my friends on this one.......

Tomoe's PoV

it has been gods knows how long since i've last held nanami in my arms. her sister being here isn't exactly helping either, the more the girl touches me the more defiled i'm feeling. then she keeps on rambling on about how i'm her mate and that i should just accept fate!

it's driving me insane! she keeps touching me. the shivers travel up my spine at the thought of her greasy skin coming in contact with him. the girl is still knocked out from my hit, which is very fortunate for all of us.

Reyna seems to hate her with a blazing passion and akura-oh seems to snap at every mate-comment she makes. although i'm not sure if he's doing it for me or nanami... oh well i'm glad that he does. "LEN?! INOUE?! EMI?! ARISA?!"  i get jerked out of my train of thought by frantic screams.

"COME ON GIRLS THIS ISN'T FUNNY!"  a group of yokai appear from the depths of the forest. a female spots us and squeaks, "LOOK THERE MASTER TOMOE AND MASTER AKURA-OH!" the rest of the group snaps their heads to us. "we're sorry to bother you both masters, but have you seen four brown-haired, brown-eyed girls?"

"no" i snap,i don't have time for this crap! "why do you ask?" akura-oh asks tiredly. "well you see there has been an increasing number of kidnappings, and we're worried for our youngsters" i scoff "there is no need to be so frantic, it's not like the kidnapper is after your young in particular is he?" i ask in an icy tone.

one of the women fidgets with her hands, "w-well you see... they match the description?" i narrow my eyes "what description?" i hiss through clenched teeth. "uhm.. e-every kidnapped youngster i-is a g-girl and has brown hair and-and eyes,pre-preferably with the appearance o-of a teenager"

i growl softly as i see nanami's face infront of me. 'now is not the time tomoe' i mentally scold myself 'focus on getting her back instead of her beautiful- NOT helping!' instead of trying to focus i start to list things that i hate or want to kill.

Tsubaki's PoV (sorry for the many pov-switches)

i smirk as i twirl the new, improved restrainers around my fingers. nanami may have broken her old ones and humiliated me but those are only small,insignifican victories. especially after i have gifted her with the new ones. a smirk tugs on the corners of my lips and after her punishment i shall take her with me for another visit to her beloved family. 

i slam the door open and see that all the maids are still in the mainroom. "BRING ME NANAMI!" my voice thunders over the soft chatting. hesitantly i see the crowd disperse, "y-you won't g-get auntie n-nanami" a brat, Sacchi stutters and steps infront of my prey.

"you've got some nerve for a slave, brat!" i snap. her mother pushes Sacchi behind her and i have no hesitation as i cut her down. the brat cries out as her mothers limp body falls on the ground, i scoff "pathetic" i snarl and raise my dagger once again to kill.

"NO!" Nanami screams as intercepts the dagger with her body, the blade digs deep into her shoulder blade. i pull it out and watch as nanami clamps her shoulder with one hand and uses the other to craddle the hysterical squirt to her chest. "let go of the child slave" i order.

her breathing is shallower as she shakes her head,  "NOW NANAMI!" i roar, my patience running thin. stubborn wench, she shakes her head again and hugs the girl closer. oh i see, "if you go with me without a fight i'll let the girl go unscratched" i bargain. or should i say blackmail? either way i'm sure i'll get what i want.

"i-i'll go with you...master" she stutters fearfully, "good choice" nanami shaingly stands up. "AUNTIE NO! DON"T GO PLEASE!" the girl wails as she tugs on my nanami's costume. how dare she even touch MY NANAMI?!

i contain my anger for now, i'll just take it out on my sweet nanami later.  "go with yukiji sweetie" nanami whispers gently, i smirk as i slip the restraints on. i grab nanami by her hair and start dragging her away "AUNTIE NOOOOOO!!!" i look over my shoulder to see the brat being restraint by nanami's so called friends.'this evening keeps getting better and better' i think with a wide grin.

*time skip*

i have finally enough as i look down at nanami's bloody, battered body. blood seeps from the cuts and bones stick through the flesh here and there, it's the most beautiful sight i've ever seen. i pull her up by her hair and teleport us to the surface, yes i've build  my mansion underground.

i'm shocked as i immediately come face to face with the persons whom i wanted to see. tomoe,akura-oh, reyna and- i gasp as i see a girl who looks like an older version of my precious nanami. "yo, it's been a while" i greet only to get loud growls in return. i smirk, oh this is going be fun!

nanami's PoV

i inwardly rejoice as i smell the outside, our plan is 80% completed. i focus on my flames as i suddenly get struck by the smell of my mate, oh Tsubaki you have just stumbled upon your own grave.........

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