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Tomoe's PoV

"TOMOE! HELP!"  groggily my head shoots up from the pillows "nanami?" i mutter, i hear loud crashes and am immediately awake. I jump out of bed and run down the stairs,  I slam nanami's door open but she isn't there. her window is still closed, I start following her scent.

I zigzag through the hall trying to find my mate, I find a broken vase lying next to the door that leads to the washroom. the metallic smell of blood fills my nose making me nauseous, I pick a shard up and closely inspect it.

the blood that coats the shard is definitely belong to nanami, a snarl escapes my lips. I look around and notice blood splotches up the walls and on everything in a radius of a foot. my fox growls, with the way the blood has splattered and the amount of it, it indicates she should've been nearly unconscious.

the force of impact must've been huge. i feel Kiichi -my fox- pacing in my head, mate.. mate.. mate.. WHERE IS MY MATE?!"

I don't know ok?  my head is pounding and i can't think properly, i sense someone approaching. i jerk around and bare my fangs. "whoa whoa! Tomoe it's me... Reyna" my muscles relax the slightest bit at the sight of the black haired girl.

"sorry" i mumble, "sooo... what has you so uptight?" she asks me. i'm about to answer but then her face goes pale, "he has her... this is her blood... he has her" she starts rambling. i have a feeling she knows what is going on.

(yea we figured smarta$s -.-)

"Reyna, tell me what's happening" i urge, Reyna trembles as she looks at me with fearfull pits instead of eyes. "Rei... he has her... i-if we don't g-get t-to her in time then... then ..then.... oh gods" she clamps her hand over her mouth. "Reyna... reyna look at me... reyna look at me..." i wait 'till she has her attention on me.

"reyna you are safe... ok? perfectly safe" "no no that's a lie t-that's a lie, he has her... Rei has her"  "who is Rei? Reyna answer me... who is Rei? what is he to you" "he'll find me two... h-he already has Nanami what's stopping him from getting to me? nothing!" she rambles.

"REYNA! WHO THE F*CK IS REI?!" i yell, she flinches at my tone "m-my.... o-our fosterfather" "foster?" Reyna takes some deep breaths "i don't know the whole story about nanami... hell no one does except her, Rika, Rei and Sora although Rei killed sora when nanami was 306 years old."

"he's rather abusive a-and has his friends come over to come and 'p-play' with us... the first day i came there i did something rei didn't approve o-of, nanami took the blame. the next day rei ordered me to check up on her. i found her unconcious on the co-concrete floor. i've been there for not longer then 111 years but nanami? nanami has been there her whole l-life..."

"we escaped 5 years ago, nanami got shot with arrows... i needed to remove them all 28, she acted as a human shield to p-protect me a-and now? he has her in his clutches again... i-i don't even want to think a-about what he's gonna do"

she starts sobbing loudly, but i make no move to sooth her or anything. i'm seething with pure rage. "d-did he ever give more 'intimate punishment'" Reyna looks at me shocked "l-like rape? n-no thank the gods he didn't. he and his friends said we were to inpure to be granted such luxury... although that w-was 5 years ago s-soooo" i growl "don't even think of finishing that thought or sentense"

if i find him i'll rip him to shreds together with his friends and use them to fuel my fireplace. but firs... i need to gather some help.....

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