trying isn't always enough

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tomoe's PoV

i'm actually disappointed she doesn't want me to comfort her or even tell me why she cried. she's my lyraphyte... we ought to tell eachother everything 

as i walk through the castle halls i start thinking about Neira, pride wells up in me. my lyraphyte is the feared demon of the west, her reputation as big as mine. the next thought makes me stop dead in my tracks 'maybe she has as many enemies as wel'

i growl protectively, they have to get through me before they can even think of laying a finger on her. i hear crashing sounds and screaming coming from the room where my lyra is in. i quickly dash back to the room.

Reyna's PoV

 i was just breaking the window open when nanami collapsed on the ground. "nanami?!" i am by her side in a second, her eyes are unfocused and her expression is pained. "nanami? nanami! nanami look at me! LOOK AT ME!" i yell, then...... she started screaming.

spine chilling screams errupt from her mouth and she presses her fists hard against her temples. fire starts licking her fingers, they dance around. over her arms, on her tail, on top of her head. the little flames start saying soothing things.

'hush now child, it's all in your head.... remain focused child.... you're stronger then this' nanami cringes 'he's stronger then before we can't surpress him' "surpress whom?" the bright pink flames ignore me as they fuss over nanami. 'she's slipping in unconciousness!' 'she musn't! then he can fully manipulate her brain!'

"NANAMI" i scream, but in that moment the door swings open. "what is happening?!" i ignore him nanami is my top priority. "nanami you need to stay awake..... ok? you can do that you've endured much worse then this right? remember when he just got me and you took the beating for my attitude.... you never let me get beaten..... but if you leave me he will find me.... i-i need you nanami so please please stay awake please sister"

"who is nanami?" i look up at tomoe with teary eyes, i then realise my mistake..... i revealed nanami's real identity..... now he will surely find us.

Nanami's PoV

"nanami~ oh nanami~ did you miss me?"  my body goes rigid "rei?" i think terrified. "yes ..... you know nanami? Tsubaki isn't to happy with your disappearance  he complains al the time about how he misses his toy and i'm really mad at you nanami running away after i took you in. do you remember what happens when i'm mad nanami? it's much worse now...... especially since it has been 5 years now" 

i begin to shake "i-i'm sorry please don't h-hurt me!" "you know rika misses you two... she's all alone in the basement she really misses your and Reyna's company" "n-no please" "n-nanami?" "rika" i start to sob "run hunny keep running never give up ok? ne-" "shut up you bi*tch!"  rei yells.

it stays silent for a while, "nanami~ are you still there?"  rei asks in a sickenly sweet tone "y-yes" i know better then to ignore him, i had to learn it the hard way. "are you ready for your punishment?" "no n-no please no!" pressure builts up in my head. "i'll be coming for you nanami dear, for you and Reyna. after i have found you we'll have lots and lots of fun together yes? i'll even invite Tsubaki for you.''

"i'm sure he would be delighted to bring you a gift~"  horrid memories fill my head. "n-no please.... i-i don't want to" i can feel him shrug "to bad.... you're still getting it and remember dear..... i'll be coming to get you~~~" 

i can feel him leave my head and the pressure builts up and up and up. i scream for it to stop, i cry my eyes out and scream my throat sore. i feel something stroking my back and scream, but the pain subsides as the hands work their way up and down my back.

i sigh content and lean into the touch that magically makes the pain disappear, "nanami... come on sweety you're almost there" my eyes flutter open. "tomoe?"  "yea i'm here" "i will get you nanami.... i could be in every corner watching your every turn, just waiting for the right time to strike. and i will kill everyone in my way"  i snap my head to the side, so hard i almost got a whiplash.

"nanami?" tomoe asks me, i look at him petrified. "you know my name...." i whisper, "yea i kind of got that when Reyna screamed for you to stay with her" he admits. i'm pretty sure my brown eyes are filled with fear as i speak the next words "he will definitely find us now..."

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