attempt 2

567 19 6

Nanami's PoV

"I'm tired" i mumble softly, tomoe looks disappointed making me feel guilty. "Ok... i'll leave you to rest then"

Tomoe walks away slowly as if expecting for me to change my mind. But that won't happen, i can't let myself get attached to much...... it will end up hurting both of us.

And i will not let my Lyraphyte get hurt because of me. Tomoe sighs and finally leaves the room with one last look at me.

Outside the room i hear crashing of glass and breaking of woods. I almost cry at the thought i caused him this distress. I bite my lip as i stare at the door.

"We're going to escape again aren't we?" I simply nodd, Reyna sighs and her shoulders slump. "I still don't think it's a good idea to leave your Lyraphyte, he could help us for all we know"

"OR HE COULD GET SERIOUSLY HURT! I'M NOT WILLING TO RISK HIM REYNA!" I scream. My hand flies to my mouth the moment the word leave my lips. "I am sooo sorry! I didn't mean to scream at you" i whisper.

Reyna smiles a genuine smile "it's ok nanami, i know this is really frustrating for you." I sniffle, "It is alright lets just get away from here" i reply.

Reyna slides the window open and looks at me. "Ready?" "Yea" we jump down and softly land on our feet. With one last look at the castle we run into the surrounding forest, letting it's shadows hide us as we make our escape.

It's not long before a heartripping howl echoes through the trees, tomoe. Reyna send me a sympathetic look before focusing her eyes upfront. We make a sharp turn around a big rock and that's when i hear it.

The sounds of crackling fire and pounding of feet against the hard soil. I look worried over my shoulder, in the distance i see a blue light becoming bigger and bigger. I turn back around and start running faster.

Everytime looking paniced over my shoulder only to see the light closing in on us. My feet slide away in the moist soil, so i can't really use that to increase my speed.

WHY AM I SO SLOW?! Then it struck me... it's because of the bond! I let out a soft growl, my body will not comply with my desire to run because of the lyraphytebond.

In my momemt of distraction my feet gets stuck under a root, succesfully tripping me so i'm almost faceplanting the dirt. I scramble up and try to get away, but my ankle hurts really badly.

I look down and see a bone sticking out....gross. the persuers are closing in on us even more. Reyna is ahead and still running, not noticing my delay. I bring my hands carefully to my leg and clamp them around the bone.

I take a deep breath before pushing the bone back, i let out small whimpers as the bone slowly gets pushed back into place. When the bone is set blood oozes out of the remaining cut.

Before i can handle it though i get tackled to the ground, i let out a small squeak. "What did i tell you Lyra? You're not going anywhere remember dear?" Tomoe asks. I shake my head, the white haired male above me smirks. "The i should make you remember don't you think?"

I feel a small pinch, "sorry my love" i hear tomoe whisper "NEIRA!" Reyna shouts. I turn my head to her and give her a weak smile, my eyelids flutter close before i can say anything. I'm welcoming the warmth of the darkness

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