the beast awoke

365 16 7

????? PoV

the girl stares at me before recomposing herself "c-can you give a discription of this N-nanami of which you're speaking?"her voice trembles a bit.... hmmm how suspicious.

"sure! she has Brown hair and big doe-like brown eyes her ears and tail are very soft and her right ear has a lighter brown tip.... that's actually everything i can give you... she has been missing since she was a few months old" 

the girl bites her lip "why would you take so long i mean 516 years isn't exactly fast" i look down ashamed..... if only i knew earlier. "i-i only recently found out" i mumble, the neko begins to scream "HOW DARE YOU! YOU F*CKING B*TCH DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA-" she cuts herself of but meets my eyes with a deadly glare.

"oi reyna! you better shut up right now! Tomoe needs his rest i can't let neira come back to a comatosed mate!"a familiar face appears in the doorway. i squeal "AKURA!" i fly him in the arms, "hey! what do you think you- Hinami?"

"it has been ages!" i smile but that soon falters as i remember why i am here, i jump out of his arms and clear my throat. "actually i've come here because of different, more urgent matters" "what happened" "Nanami is gone! when i came home last week my parents told me she was kidnapped!" i nearly cry out.

akura-oh's eyes fill with compassion (a/n *gasp* akura is capable of being compasionate?! *faints from shock)  "i'm sorry to hear that" he says, "i'm searching for her right now.... will you help me? now we've bumped into eachother i mean?"

suddenly Akura-oh gives me a glare that could freeze hell over, "no" he snarls. "w-what? why not?" i ask shocked, "i have better things to do the finding you precious little sister" he snaps at me. "how dare you?! my little sister is missing!" i exclaim angerly.

"and probably dead! now if you'll excuse me i have a real precious person to rescue"with that he stalks into the woods from where i came from. i am furious! "ha! serves you for not noticing she's gone earlier b*tch" the girl- no reyna hisses at me.

i twirl around "why do you hate me so much?" she shrugs "just because" i growl at her "you don't have the right to call me a b*tch you weak little wh*re!" she fliches at my venomous tone but quickly retorts with "atleast i noticed my sister was kidnapped a few moments after it happened and not a few... oh i don't know.... centuries!" she sneers.

i'm about to retort when i'm interrupted by a loud roar "NANAMI!!!!" the voice send shivers of pleasure down my spine.... wait did it just say nanami? suddenly i'm grabbed by strong arms, tingles shoot up my body i gasp....mate

i turn my head and see a handsome white haired kitsune, much to my dismay he lets go of me and steps back. i am already missing his touch he frowns at me.... why is he frowing? is something wrong with me?

"you're not my nanami"he says, my heart clenches painfully as he says this. "you simply can't be my nanami.... my nanami has this lighter brown tip on her ear right here" he points at his own right ear. i should be estatic that i've found my sister but instead my chest clenches with jealousy and anger.

"how dare you think of another girl? i'm you're mate!" i hiss at him, he looks at me confused. out of nowhere i feel a sharp pain on my tail, i look over my shoulder and see Reyna with a tight grip on my tail.

i look pleadingly at my mate to help me but he just stands there, how dares he?! "tomoe please excuse me.. i've got some things to take care of and this ....lady is helping me so if you'd just go inside akura will be back soon" she smiles at my mate and he walks back inside.

before i can mourn i get dragged by my tail "hey! what are you doing?!" i snap at her. in an blink of an eye i'm tied to a tree... that was fast. "listen here and listen good.. i don't know  who you think you are but that's my sisters mate you're eyeing so i would knock it of before i knock you out"

i growl "no you listen! Tomoe is mine! and you're so called sister is also mine! i'm her sister not you!" Reyna slaps me across the cheek,it stings as i glare at her "i'm more qualified as her sister than you! i've been with her for 116 years AND  am not currently eyeing her mate! besides he doesn't even care about you" i open my mouth to retort but Reyna shoves something down my throat.

i start to cough but there is no sound reyna quickly walks away while i -soundlessly- scream ate her. "where is my mate reyna" i hear tomoe growl out, i smirk  'seems you're wrong Reyna, he does care about me'

"whom?" i hear reyna ask boldly 'here it comes.....' "you know who! Nanami you stupid cat!" tears poor down my eyes. 'no... no i must've heard it wrong' "she has been kidnapped by Tsubaki" "WHAT?!YOU'RE TELLING ME MY MATE, MY NANAMI HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED?!" he roars.

my fox- yoma- is pushing against the mind barrier i've put up, she's trying to tell me something but i ignore her.... i will get my mate and no one will stop me from doing so.... not even the gods!

i really don't know how it turned out like this i was just mindlessly writing and BOOOOOOOOMMMMM!! this happened...two beasts have awoken, both crazed for their mates but are they their mates? that is the question.....

who is tomoe's actual mate? <'(0.0)'> find out in the next chapters!!





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