Chapter 5: New people

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3rd POV

"How long has this girl been missing?" Scar asked as he walked over with a county survey map.

"This'll be day three," Rick answered him. He nodded. "County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations." Wolf said as Scar placed it down.

They looked in the distance. Mandy was playing with Babylon and he was chasing her. He sighed. "This is perfect. We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, and start searching in teams." Rick said.

"Not you. Not today." Rick turned to Scar. "Yiu gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking in this heat ten minutes before passing out. And you..." He turned to Shane. "Your ankle— push it now, you'll be laid up a month. No good to anybody." Scar scolded already feeling responsible for the people around him.

"Guess it's just me," Daryl said. "I'm gonna work my way back from the creek. Work my way back from there."

"I can still be useful." Shane insisted. "I'll drive up to the interstate, and see if Sophia wandered back," Shane said.

"All right, tomorrow then," Rick said. "That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we've been promising them."

Rick glanced at Scar. "I'd prefer you not carrying guns on Hershel's property. My brothers are not good with those things." Scar said. "Neither are the dragons."

"With all due respect, We get a crowd of those things wandering in here..." Shane trailed off. Wolf glared at him. "Look, we're guests here. And we will respect that." Rick said giving Shane a pointed look. Rick laid down his colt python. Shane put his Glock on the roof of the car. "First things first: set camp, find Sophia."

"I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody's for too. What happens if you find her and she's a bit? I think we should all be sure of how we handle that?" Shane asked.

"You do want needs to be done," Rick said. "And her mother? What do you tell her?" Maggie asked. "The truth," Andrea said.

Maggie looked at Wolf. He shook his head.

"I do request one rifle man on the lookout. Dale's got experience." Shane said. Scar sighed. "Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun," Rick said.

Scar sighed. "I am to be informed of who is on watch and when they say." Scar demanded and he walked off.

Mandy was lying down on Babylon's back. He purred in his sleep. Babylon woke up to sense someone walking up. "Mandy...?" A woman called.

Babylon stood up and he reached behind him and grabbed the child by her hoodie. He placed her down.

Lori smiled at her. "Wolf wants you." She nodded.

Mandy saw Wolf and she ran to him. He smiled and picked her up. "Hey, cutie. What were you doing?" He asks her.

"I was with Babylon," I said. He smiled. "Well, I wanted to show you something." he took her, and she widened her eyes. Three baby dragons were in a blanket. They saw her and chirped. She walked over to them and held her hand out. They cooed at her.

She smiled as all three of them climbed into her hands. "Mama laid then and I thought they could maybe be you. Babylon is your daddy's Mama is Kaka's and Strike is mine. So basically you have more dragons." I giggled.

I got inside and I was lying down for my nap and Drogon, Rhagy, and, Visy were lying down with me.

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