Chapter 12; broken apart.

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Mandy POV

I walked beside Dad. We then heard growling. I saw Drogo land and he was growling at the walker herd behind us.

"Oh my God. Go, go, go, go!"

"We— we gotta get to the house, warn the others!" I said. "We'll never get through that. Go the barn. Go." Dad said. Me and Carl stayed close to Rick, Shane, and Berserker.

We got inside the barn and Dad and Shane locked the doors.

"Mandy and Carl are gone!" Wolf panicked. "What?!" Daryl asked.

"Maybe they're hiding." Glenn suggested.

"They are supposed to be upstairs!" Wolf hissed. "I AM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT MY LITTLE GIRL!" Wolf snarled. "We'll look again."

Dad and me poured gasoline on the floor. I then turned. I whistled.

Everyone saw Babylon, Rhagy and Visy fly up into the air and they flew towards the barn.

Rick then got onto Babylon. I jumped onto Drogo. "Now!"

They lit the barn on fire and they burned it down to nothing. Dad then turned Babylon and he flew off.

I got off Drogo and I ran into the woods.

It was morning and three walkers were following me. I then tripped and sprained my ankle. I cried out. I then crawled away from the walkers. Suddenly twin blades stabbed the walker through the chest and lifted it up. A cannon shot finished the walkers off.

The thing uncloaked.

I looked. It was a Yautja just like Dad. The creature then noticed my ankle. He gently looked at it. He then helped me stand. He then helped me walk.

Everyone heard three roars. Drogo, Rhagy, and Visy flew over. They whimpered. Berserker felt his heart break. They couldn't find Mandy.

I coughed as I was sick. The Yautja whose name I found out was Scales dropped down beside me. He moved my bangs out of my hair and he felt my forehead. He clicked at me worriedly. I was getting worse. It wasn't helping I was close to having my children. Scales then rubbed my hair softly. He said I was going in labor right now. I then breathed slowly.

He rubbed my hair softly.

"Okay, Mandy. You ready for this?" He clicked at me. "No." He then held my hand tightly. I then screamed as I felt one of them get in position to come out. The baby then came out.

I breathed heavily. Scales set it on a blanket. I then managed to push the last two out. I found out I was the perfect host to carry Xenomorph children. Scales then gently rubbed my forehead and that was the last thing I remembered.

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