Chapter 9: sober

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Mandy POV

I sighed as dad was checking on Babylon. I felt super upset. "You were drinking!" I snapped. "That was the least of my worries." He mumbled. "You were drinking and I didn't know what to do!" Dad turned to me.

"I am sorry, Mandy. I was... so upset that I allowed your sister to die while looking for you. I blamed myself and when I do that... I get into a rampage and in order to control it I need to feed and I didn't want to risk killing you." I stared at him. "Is that why I was told mom hated you?" I asked. Dad looked down.

"I get mad easily. It's hard for me to control it. That's why your mother hated me. Because I had a loose temper and I almost killed her..." I looked at him. "I fed and she kept me locked up to protect me and she kept telling me that it wasn't me and I punched the wall where her head was before..." I looked at him. "I wanted to kill her until I heard another heart beat in her body. She came there to tell me she was pregnant with you."


"It's my fault you have my curse. All because I couldn't control it and I decided to mate with your mother." I stared at him. He looked at me. I then walked over and I hugged him. He hesitated but hugged me back.

I then gently rubbed his back. "It's gonna be okay. It's just me and you. Just us against the world." I whispered and Dad leaned his forehead on mine. I smiled.

I was helping Maggie make lunch. "Did Berserker say anything to you about Glenn when they got back from town?" Maggie asked me.

"He said it had gotten pretty bad. Why?" I asked. "He's not the same. Says he froze. Says I got in his head." I sighed.

"I used to do that to Scar. When he went out hunting sometimes he would duck because he would think he wouldn't see me again. He came back— that's what matters. Men have to do certain things— you know that— hell my dad even told me he had to drain blood from a few guys to save Rick. I'll tell you something. What happens out there happens out there. And we... we just keep it together until they come back." I said.

"Things were good. Maybe I—" Maggie started. "Glenn's a big boy." I said sitting in the counter eating a cucumber slice. "He makes his own choices, and then you— do you have anything to apologize for?" I asked. Wolf then walked in. "No." I nodded.

"Hi, Wolf!" He smiled. "Scar wants to talk to you." I sighed. "I shall be back after his lecture." Maggie smiled.

I got the over to where Scar was.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. Scar stood up. "Yeah... I... might leave for a while." I looked at him. "Why?"

"Mandy... don't make this harder okay? I just... you have your dad and everyone else... Baby..." I started to cry.

Scar looked at me. "Mandy... look I love you. I love you so much. You were the first pup I ever had the chance to raise." I then slid the tree crying. "Mandy..." he gently wiped the tears off my face. The tears were pouring down.

"Please... please don't leave me." I sobbed. He looked at me. "Goodbye..." he then cloaked and he was gone. I sobbed. I heard chittering. Babylon then curled up around me. He laid his head on my lap comforting me.

I was in my room. I barely felt anything due to the fact Scar left. I was crying and Lori walked in. "I know how hard it is. I tried for weeks to get my mom on the phone. Why did Scar leave?"

"Because my dad was back..." I said close to tears. Rhagy was laying down at the foot of my bed.

She nodded. "Stay here. Me and you can take that walk after."

I was pretending to be asleep. "You give it to me, Mandy. You don't want to do this!" Lori told me.

I handed the knife to her. She then ran out.

"ANDREA! Have you seen Wolf or Berserker?"

"I haven't seen Berserker but I saw Maggie, Glenn and Wolf walk by not too long ago."

"Can you get him for me?" Andrea nodded. "Of course."

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