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"What are you doing here?" he asked sternly, raising his brows.

"Do you have only two sentences?" she replied, still rubbing her forehead.

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"Either you ask me, 'What are you doing here?' or you say, 'Shut up and get out,'" she said, giggling, which only annoyed him more.

"Whatever. Just get lost from here," he said, rolling his eyes before leaving. She went to her room and lay on her bed. Since it was morning, she soon fell asleep again.

After finishing his breakfast, Suga was heading to his room. As he walked down the hallway, he heard someone crying. He stopped and walked toward the sound.

"That's our new manager's room. But why is she crying?" he mumbled to himself before knocking on the door.

"Are you okay, Miss Manager?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Miss Manager, open the door. Are you okay?" he asked again, growing more worried. He sighed.

"A..n..n..ie..." he hesitated, calling her name. She opened the door, her eyes red and tears streaming down her cheeks. Suga's concern deepened. Before he could ask anything, she hugged him tightly. His breathing hitched; he wasn’t comfortable with physical contact, especially with a girl. His heart started to race, and he gently patted her back.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked softly, pulling back from the hug. She remained silent.

"Did someone say something to you?" he asked, his concern growing. Then something occurred to him.

"Did Jungkook say anything?" he inquired again. She shook her head.

"Then what?" he asked.

"My phone..." she said, bursting into tears again.

"What happened to your phone?" Suga asked.

"I put my phone on charge and went back to sleep, but now..." She sobbed between her words. Her nose was red, her hair a mess. She looked like a child.

"But now I realize that I didn't turn on the switch for the charger," she continued, breaking down again.

"So you were crying because your phone didn’t charge?" he asked, trying to suppress his laughter. It seemed odd that someone would cry over a phone not charging. She nodded, still sobbing.

Unable to hold it in any longer, Suga burst into laughter. Seeing him laugh, she began to cry even harder.

"Sorry, sorry," Suga said, struggling to control his laughter. Despite the situation, he found her adorable. Until now, he had thought she was just a silly girl, but now she seemed endearing to him.

Soon, she stopped crying and started laughing as well. Suga joined in, their laughter echoing through the room.

The vacation days flew by, and it was the last night before they had to return to their busy lives. During these days, Jungkook and Annie hadn’t spent much time together. Whenever they crossed paths, Jungkook would give her an annoyed look, and Annie would stick her tongue out at him. As for Suga, he spent a bit more time with Annie. He didn’t talk much but listened to her incessant chatter.

Her relationship with the other members remained unchanged, with occasional flirtations.

Now she was teasing Taehyung.

"Taehyungshi, what would a couple do if they were stuck in an elevator?" she asked, chewing her food.

"They would call for help," he replied innocently. She facepalmed.

"Aww, Taehyungshi, you’re so sweet. Okay, one more question: what comes before 70?" she asked.

"69!" Taehyung exclaimed. She made a shocked face. Realizing his mistake, Taehyung quickly said, "Yah! I didn’t mean that."

She started giggling, and Taehyung pouted. They continued eating, their laughter blending with the clinking of cutlery.

Later that night, Jungkook stood by the pool, staring at the water. Annie approached him.

"Hi, hottie."

"What are you doing here? How many times do I have to tell you not to call me names?" he said coldly.

"Again with the same question," she replied, clearly annoyed. He rolled his eyes as she continued talking without expecting an answer. Frustrated, she was about to leave when she slipped and fell into the pool. Jungkook didn’t move. He knew she could swim; she had fooled him before. He wasn’t going to be tricked again. But when she didn’t surface after more than two minutes, he started to get worried.

"Yah, Miss Manager, stop fooling around and come out. I’m not going to fall for it again," he called out, but there was still no response. Now genuinely concerned, he jumped into the pool. He searched for her and found her lying on the bottom. Her forehead was bleeding, and she was unconscious. Her body was slowly sinking into the water. He pulled her up, cradling her in his arms, one hand around her waist, the other supporting her head.

"Miss Manager, Miss Manager," he called, slapping her face lightly to wake her. He dragged her out of the pool and laid her on the ground. He continued to slap her cheeks and shake her, but she didn’t move. Panic set in.

"Wake up, for God's sake!" he shouted. When she still didn’t respond, he began chest compressions to expel the water from her lungs. Water came out of her mouth, but she remained unconscious. He considered giving her CPR. As he leaned in, she suddenly started coughing, and he sighed in relief. Blood was still coming from her mouth.

Soon, a crowd gathered around them. Jungkook helped her to her feet, holding her shoulders. The other members arrived at the pool area. Before Jungkook could explain, he received a hard punch to the face. His lip began to bleed.

"Yoongi hyung, why did you do that?" Jimin asked in shock.

"It’s all because of him. How can you be so low, Jungkook? I know you don’t like her, but that doesn’t mean you can hurt her. What if something worse had happened?" Suga said, breathing heavily. Jungkook was in shock. None of his hyungs had ever scolded him before, let alone punched him. Suga’s glare was piercing, and Annie was still unconscious.

"But hyung," Jungkook started to explain, but Namjoon cut him off.

"Jungkook, we’ll talk about this later. For now, let’s get her to her room. She needs to rest." Suga took her arms and helped her walk. Everyone left, but Jungkook remained, his eyes filled with hatred and sadness. The sadness was because his brother had doubted him and punched him for the first time. The hate was directed at the manager, whom he now loathed even more.

"I fucking hate you, Miss Manager. I’ll make your life hell for sure."

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