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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖮𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤

IT was Cheer Extreme Kernersville's showcase and Noelle was beyond. Fans were expecting a world-winning routine, it was too much pressure on the girl. On top of that, she had been getting DM's from a fan page that had been planning to expose her and Ollie's almost two-year-long relationship.

"Darling, stop shaking so much." her boyfriend had just woken up, "I'm nervous," Noelle stated, "Calm down, you go on at four thirteen and you have to be there by ten am. I'm pretty sure it's seven a.m. so you have time." Ollie brushed his lips against her forehead. "I think you're obsessed with kissing my forehead."

"I'm obsessed with every part of you."

His statement made Noelle grin so much that she felt like her face was about to split in half. "I love you, but I've got to get ready." she eventually said, "Ten more minutes, please." Ollie practically begged his girlfriend, "Fine."

Her right leg was draped over his lower stomach and her arms were on his chest and back. It was quite uncomfortable for Ollie since he was laid on his back and his arms were around Noelle's neck, but every second he spent with her felt everlasting.

Ten minutes turned into fifteen and fifteen minutes soon turned into thirty.

"I have to get ready, it's seven forty." Noelle forced herself to sit up, "I'll get ready after you, Ellie." Ollie groaned at the sudden coldness in the air. "I won't take forever." she began to pick out practice clothes.

Noelle soon settled for her sparkly sports bra that said Orange but the 'O' was replaced with an actual orange and black Nike Pro shorts.

Once the girl finished getting ready, it was now Ollie's turn. He had picked out a grey hoodie and black sweatpants, it was nothing too lazy since he'd be attending her showcase later in the day.

"Auntie Noel!" a tiny figure opened the closed door, "Hey Eva, how are you?" Noelle asked her niece. "I had a scary dream," Eva wiped away her tears, "Can I sleep in here?"

Noelle had noticed that Eva brought her unicorn stuffed animal and her small fluffy blanket.

"Of course, you can." she helped her niece get settled on her bed. "Thank you, Auntie Noel." Eva unawarely started sucking her thumb as she drifted off to sleep. It was a habit she picked up when she was only a few months old and nobody seemed to successfully manage to stop it.

But around fifteen minutes later, Ollie had walked out of the bathroom fully clothed with semi-wet hair. Noelle couldn't help but admire the boy as he unplugged his phone from its charger.

"You look handsome." she blushed, "Thank you, darling."


The showcase had gone well and from to looks of it, fans enjoyed the performance. It made Noelle feel better about herself since she couldn't do her superstitions with her best friends on Orange Rays.

But they had just arrived home and Noelle wanted to take a nap.

"Are we doing anything special?" her boyfriend Ollie had asked as he followed her into her bedroom. "I don't care, but I need a few hours of sleep." Noelle took her skirt off as Ollie closed the door.

As the respectful seventeen-year-old he was, Ollie checked his phone as Noelle changed into her black silk satin pajamas.

"You coming?" she sat on her bed, "Let me change real quick," which he did change into just plaid pajama pants.

"Look at those abs," Noelle traced them once Ollie had got close enough. "Look at that face," he kissed her lips softly. "I love you so much." "I love you more than you could ever imagine."

The rest of the day was spent in numerous amounts of cuddling positions and occasionally one another elbowing each other. But the two enjoyed it since Ollie had to go back to the UK in a few days.

 But the two enjoyed it since Ollie had to go back to the UK in a few days

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I will try not to unpublished this book☺️🤞🏾

𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 - 𝖮𝖡𝟥Where stories live. Discover now