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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥

NOELLE didn't feel like going to Senior Elite's practice, she and Brooklynn Lily had recently gotten into it after Majors, and because of that Brooklynn was spreading rumors about her and Ollie. She kept talking about how Noelle doesn't actually love him and how she's only using him for fake sex when the only sexual thing they did was her giving him a blowjob.

The thing that made it worse was that Brooklynn would have a new boyfriend every few months, which meant she technically couldn't even be shitting on the healthy relationship Noelle and Ollie have.

"Honey, you'll be fine." Declan Sargeant came into his daughter's bedroom, he was one of the only people Noelle trusted at the moment. Her mom would either be aggressive towards her over simple stuff or she'd either try to spend so much quality time together that it was sickening.

"I know, but you don't understand what's going on." Noelle ran her hands through her hair, "Then tell me, I'm always here for you no matter what, and Ollie is only a flight away. She took a deep breath before explaining the situation, "There's this girl on the team, her names Brooklynn Lily and she's being an absolute bitch. She got mad at me at the Majors party because I was responding to Thomas's text messages he sent me. After all, he wanted to watch us perform but didn't want to deal with Ollie constantly being anxious. And I guess Brooklynn thought I was talking to some guy my age and that I was cheating on Ollie. I explained to her over and over again that his younger brother was texting me, and Kenley Pope joined in saying things like 'Can she not talk to her boyfriend's younger brother?' and 'Thomas is twelve or thirteen, Noelle has no bad intentions with him.' I swear to God that she realized that it was Ollie's brother but didn't want to seem stupid. So she decided to spread shit about how I'm a cheater and other stuff."

The father-daughter duo talked about the situation some more before Noelle had to get ready.


Noelle and her teammates had just arrived at practice. "Sydney!" she spoke in a singsong tone, "What," she tried to match her energy. "Give me your camera, I gotta tell the viewers something." Noelle smiled as she handed off her camera.

"Okay guys, stop shipping me and people on the coed teams here because I'm pretty sure the guys are gay or talking to fifty hundred girls." Noelle looked in one of the guy's directions, "That's not true, and it makes things awkward between us." Eli Treadway turned the camera to face both of them. The two teenagers began talking about random things before Eli had to go back home.

"Noelle, do you want to mic up?" Maddie Dorton asked, "Obviously," she fixed her light blue crop top with the letters SE on it. Maddie then began setting up the mic, "It's cold!" Noelle laughed. Once she was set to go, she began saying random words.

"Huddle up!" one of their coaches yelled before starting their prayer. "Dear heavenly father, please help these amazing athletes stay focused as they practice today. Allow their mind to remember what the common goal is, and for their bodies to remember what steps it needs to take to get there. Father, I ask that you bring our group of athletes together. Help our efforts to create an unbreakable bond. Allow their minds and bodies to work together to complete the task that has been set upon us. Father, please keep this group's attitudes in check. Please allow them to get back up even if they fall today, Lord. Grant us the opportunity to be positive and uplifting towards those around us. Father, please let our love for each other be a model to teams that are struggling. Lord, I ask that you please give the athletes the mindset to put them through everything, so they can get through this full out and all the other ones that follow. Grant these athletes help with continuing to work hard and achieve the results we wish for. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen."

Once their coach made them go full out, the mic picked up faint counts. "1, 3, 5, 7," Noelle repeated over and over again. Then it was time for the pyramid, and she was working her ass off by doing facials and giving off an exciting vibe.

It was now more than a minute into the routine and all she needed to get through was the specialty passes, the pyramid, and the dance. "Tight, tight, tight, tight." Noelle dragged out the last tight. She took a deep breath before throwing her Arabian through to whip double into another whip double right after the first one.

A few seconds passed and Noelle ended up on the floor. "You did good." Kenley helped her up, "You too," she let out an exhausted sigh. The team had walked off the mat to get a drink.

"Fuck, I'm tired." Noelle laid down on the cold floor, "And sweaty." Hailey pointed out the few strains of hair sticking to her forehead. "Tired and sweaty, what a horrible combination." the younger girl sat up.

Around six hours had passed and Noelle was getting ready for bed. She had been changing into her silk pajamas when she got a FaceTime call from her boyfriend.

"I missed you, darling." Ollie smiled into the camera, "I miss you too, handsome."

Ollie began talking about his day after dealing with Noelle stressing out about the hate comments on social media.

An hour into talking, Ollie heard faint breathing from his phone. He looked at the screen to see his girlfriend sleeping with one of his hoodies by her. "Goodnight my gorgeous girl," he whispered before getting ready for his last day in the United Kingdom.

 "Goodnight my gorgeous girl," he whispered before getting ready for his last day in the United Kingdom

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𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 - 𝖮𝖡𝟥Where stories live. Discover now