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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖣𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤

IT was the early morning of December thirty-first and Noelle surprisingly woke up before her boyfriend Ollie. Maybe it was because the thousand of hate comments she'd been getting, or maybe she wasn't used to the time zone difference. But whatever it was, she had woken up before Ollie who usually wakes up at around six am.

During this time of silence, Noelle decided to admire her sleepy boyfriend. His body would tense up sometimes then his grip on her waist tightened then loosened up.

He just looked handsome.

His hair was messier than usual, his bare chest glistened in the small amount of sunlight, and his eyelashes were long and curly.

Everything about him was perfect, and she was just there.

She was wearing old nave blue plaid shorts and an old blue Yale University tee shirt. She looked homeless.

Maybe the hate comments were right, maybe Noelle wasn't good enough to date a Formula Two driver.

Maybe she was a slut who posted her body online for male attention.

"Darling, you look like you're about to cry." her boyfriend's morning voice made Noelle feel warm on the inside.

"Am I good enough for you? Do you ever think about breaking up with me for some British model?" she mumbled, "Where are you getting this information from? Sweetheart, do you want to break up?" Ollie suddenly felt wide awake. "No, of course not. I love you dearly. But have you ever noticed that these girls here are way more pretty than me? I look homeless-" Noelle wasn't even able to finish her sentence, "You have been the prettiest girl I've set eyes on since 2014, and before that, I couldn't even comprehend long division. All my great memories have been with you, and they will continue to be with you."

His words made tears flow down her face. She still felt like she wasn't good enough for Oliver Bearman, but her heart healed just a little bit.

"Let's see what my mom is cooking," Ollie got out of bed and fixed his twisted-up shorts. "I don't feel like getting up, can you help me?" Noelle reached out to her boyfriend, "Of course, birdie." he helped her out of his bed. "You have so many nicknames for me."

The tired couple walked downstairs hand in hand as if Ollie thought Noelle was about to break up with him five minutes ago. He cherished his girlfriend and everything she'd done in her lifetime to get to where she is today. That was one of her best qualities.

"I made a total cock-up of these eggs." they heard Terri Bearman complain, "What does that mean?" Noelle whispered in Ollie's ears, "She made a mistake."

"Terri, do you need help?" Noelle walked into the kitchen, "Oh no, I'll be fine. Just a few fuck ups happened." she spoke quickly, "Let me wash my hands and I'll help you. It's only fair since you're letting me stay here every few months, and visa versa for Ollie."

The sixteen-year-old rolled up her sleeves before washing her hands. The two females then began redoing the eggs and more. While they enjoyed each other's company, Ollie and his father David admired the love of their lives from afar.

"You're staring again, lad." David sighed.

"Am not," Ollie replied, "I'm simply just glazing in directions and Noelle just so happened to be there."

"Then why was that look plastered on your face?"

"What?" the younger boy asked, "What look?"

"You look a certain way when you see Noelle," David informed, "You look after her like you're staring at some sort of trophy."

"And? You stare at mum a lot."

David Bearman looked down. "You love trophies."

At that moment, Ollie realized he and Noelle never said the words 'I love you' in front of their parents. They must've thought their children were too scared to say the 'L word'.

"Ellie," Ollie called up and her head snapped up, "I love you." "I love you too, Ollie." Noelle blushed at his smirk.

"You say it so casually, when I was your age I was faffing around trying to figure out a way to say it." David admitted, "I was too, don't worry. It was January of this year and I was terrified of the outcome. But to my surprise, she shut me up by saying 'If you're trying to say 'I love you', then I'd like for you to know that I love you too', it was adorable."

A few minutes went by, and Thomas came downstairs with his sister behind him rubbing her eyes. While Thomas engaged in a conversation with his father, Amalie rested her head on her oldest brother's shoulder as she drifted back to sleep. Amalie was never a morning person, though she seemed to wake up early and then head back to sleep.

"Food is ready," Noelle snuck behind Ollie before kissing his cheek.

Breakfast was filled with laughter as the Bearman family and Noelle enjoyed their time together. Although she wasn't a part of the family, they made her feel included in every way possible.


It was now eleven p.m., and the teenage couple was getting ready for the New Year's party that was being held downstairs. David had been getting the alcohol ready, he had brought whiskey, beer, champagne, vodka, tequila, and much more. Terri had been doing some last-minute cleaning while Thomas and Amalie were most likely sleeping in their room.

"Bloody hell, you look gorgeous. I don't think that I'll be able to resist myself." Ollie slid his across her waist and pressed her up against him.

"I guess you'll have to wait until May to get some action." she went to put her matching heels on.

They soon headed downstairs to see that everyone was already partying and downing some kind of drink. A few people greeted the couple and a few offered them a mix of alcoholic drinks.

"Are we allowed to, you know, get drunk?" Noelle mumbled, "Why wouldn't we?" Ollie's hands found their way to his girlfriend's waist.

A few drinks into the party, Noelle discovered that her body processed alcohol differently. When they were barely three drinks in, she felt a strange sensation that was somewhat enjoyable. On the other hand, Ollie had no problem drinking, he'd downed more drinks than his girlfriend and he felt somewhat fine.

"I have a boyfriend." Noelle giggled when Ollie slithered his hands around her waist, "I am your boyfriend, love." he kissed her forehead. "Oh! Hey, boyfriend." she terribly flirted, "You need water and a nap." Ollie tried to take the lightweight girl to his room. "Nuh-uh." Noelle pouted, "Bloody hell," he picked her up in a cradle and led her to his room.

He then changed her into one of his hoodies and her Nike Pros before heading back downstairs to get water. But to his surprise, Noelle was passed out when he got back.

"My beautiful baby, I don't know what I'd do without you." Ollie kissed her forehead before joining her in bed.

" Ollie kissed her forehead before joining her in bed

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underage drinking🫣

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