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In the middle of what feels like the hottest summer, Engfa Waraha a college student currently studying for her Masters degree takes a trip with her family to the cold winters of Australia to escape from the scorching sun in Bangkok. Her sister, P'Daad, who is a successful influencer and beauty blogger books the trip of a lifetime to Sydney for her mom, two family friends, and Engfa. Their trip was set for the first week when Engfa's summer break begins and for two weeks traveling the vast green lands of Australia. 

On the other hand also planning a trip with her friends is Charlotte Austin, a british-thai born and raised in Phuket. Upon finishing her undergraduate program last year, she now works for an events company for project management in Bangkok, away from her single father that raised her. Struggling with a proper work life balance since arriving Bangkok, a fast paced city which is unfamiliar with her life back in Phuket, she struggles to make friends even though she moved there close to a year. Finally with all her holidays aligned, she takes a ten day trip with her childhood friends from Phuket to Sydney hoping to catch a break. 

Engfa POV

I was all packed and ready to leave for the airport but my family members were still running around the house last minute packing for this trip of a lifetime. My friends Dolly and Sun has already arrived the airport, but our slow asses were still at home. 

Engfa: Mae! Are you ready yet? The taxi is arriving in a few minutes

Mom: Okay darling! Coming!

Engfa: P'Daad, are you ready? You've been hogging the bathroom for quite some time now 

Daad: Almost! Quit rushing me, makes me slow down even more!

Engfa: Sun and Dolly are there already, they said the airport is packed with people 

(both come running to the living room)

Engfa: Okay, passports? Got all identification? Let's go wait for the taxi, it should be here soon

Unable to fall asleep for days now due to the excitement, the ride to the airport was filled with butterflies for this long anticipated trip that I have been planning ever since my sister told our family about it. I quickly text my two friends who was already queuing up in line for us that we were to arrive in five minutes. This hot, humid day was perfect way to up my anticipation for the cold winters of Australia. Growing up in Thailand my whole life, there were barely any chance for me to experience the cold, so packing for this trip also meant shopping for a completely new wardrobe. 

Unloading our heavy suitcases full of sweaters, jackets, warmers and anything thick at this point, the three of us already had four fully packed luggages. Pushing through the large crowd of excited locals going on holiday and exhausted foreigners returning home, I finally spot Dolly in her pink hair. Joining them in line, after another 20 minutes we got to the counters and was successfully checked in. Immigration took another 20 minutes and the anxious traveller that I am, I made sure to drag everyone to our gate first before we spread on out to get the breakfast and food for the long flight ahead. 

My mother who used to be constantly in and out of the hospital was our utmost priority. We wanted to make sure she had the most fun while being comfortable and healthy. A flight that was close to 10 hours long, my sister and I booked a business class ticket for our mother while the four of us will sit in economy. After already spending a lot of money buying carry on snacks for our flight, we finally board the plane. 

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