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Charlotte POV

I stayed up all night and even in the morning getting ready to go check out of our hotel room, I was worried how I should act to Engfa. We agreed to go to the airport together since we were on the same flight back, but obviously with what happened last night, I didn't know if I should talk to her about, if she even remembers what happened or pretend nothing happened to avoid awkwardness. We got ourselves out of the hotel room and slowly made our way downstairs.

Tina: So, Char how was it with Engfa last night?

Champ: Wait, what am I missing, where were you with Engfa last night?

Heidi: Just the two of you?

Tina: The three of us were drinking on the roof, but then I left halfway

Char: Nothing... nothing happened. We just drank and went to our rooms

Marima: No wonder you came in so late last night, but are you sure nothing happened? You've been all weird since last night

Char: Weird? No, nothing happened! I'm just sad to leave

Nudee: How was she weird?

Heidi: She was up all night, tossing and turning

Champ: Girl, no wonder your eyebags are down to your chin

Char: WOW, thanks for the comment

We were now checking out at the counter and Engfa was still nowhere to be seen. Although as Marimia said, after a night of tossing and turning I still wasn't sure how to act. Suddenly we heard Dolly, Sun, and Daad greeting us from afar. We all gave Engfa's mom respect and everyone started chatting immediately. It was interesting to see how a night of drinks was enough to make everyone friends. Following behind them was Engfa, she was visibly pale and tired.

Tina: Engfa, my girl! You look hungover

Daad: Ah! So it was you that got my sister so drunk last night, coming in so loud and stumbling waking all of us up

Tina: P'Daad! It wasn't me, it was Charlotte! I left after a few drinks

Char: P'Daad I'm sorry the view was just really nice

(Char looks at Engfa)

Char: (acting like nothing happened) Engfa how did you sleep, I really crave some Tom Yum soup right now to help with this hangover

Engfa: (hesitant to reply) uhm yeah... tom yum would sound perfect right now

Char: By the way you left your wallet behind last night 

Engfa: Oh I was looking for it! Thanks...

Tina: Did you guys not leave together? 

(Char and Engfa pause and look at each other)

Engfa: Oh....uhm.... I had to use the bathroom so I left first. By the way, thanks for cleaning up the stuff  Charlotte

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