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Charlotte POV

It was clear to me after meeting Engfa for dinner with the group that Sydney was a confusing time for her. Sexually confused? Experimenting? Whatever that was, it's true I should've listened to her more and had a conversation with her once I've cooled off instead of blocking her out of my life right away. Making her just someone part of my vacation story. Because it was definite that although we just met, there was a special bond between us, a sense of familiarity that could make us great friends. 

Engfa joins us a few more times when everyone was still in Bangkok for the weekend and it was truly enjoyable. I also refrained from sending any mixed signals just in case it seemed like I was interested or flirting with her since she was clearly starting a healthy relationship with Nick. They seemed like a perfect match and I've never seen Nick this happy. All his previous relationships, he has never brought his girlfriends along our hangouts and was never this stable. They were always on and off relationships or a bit toxic. But with Engfa being a special girl and all the green flags, Nick seemed to rid his past traits and focus on being a great boyfriend. 

One night after work, Nick texts me and invites me for dinner. When I arrive, I see that Engfa, Sun and Nick were sat waiting for me. I realized this was going to be the norm, seeing Engfa every time I see Nick and I can firmly say I have put the kiss behind me. However, seeing them together does make me jealous in a sense that I feel like I should be back in the dating field once again because it does seem great to have someone I can turn to. 

We have dinner as usual talking about the things we encountered at work, what we did this week, gossip a bit, really just the usual. Initially, I was planning on going home right away after dinner but Nick invites me to grab drink with him and his friends after dinner. I take a look at the time and was for sure going to turn down the offer, but he said Engfa was meeting his other friends for the first time and would feel awkward being the only girl there, so I hesitantly agreed. 

Sun who has other plans with his boyfriend, left after dinner without joining us and so the three of us cab to the bar. The whole ride there Engfa clearly was nervous to meet a group of people she doesn't know while hoping to leave a good impression, so I was glad I decided to accompany her. Tomorrow was Friday, so the worst is, I only have to power through one day of work being either hungover or sleep deprived. We got to the bar and as we walked in, Nick held me back. 

Nick: By the way, I have a friend here that really wanted to get to know you

Char: Nick! You liar, you told me to come for Engfa!

Nick: I did want you to come with Engfa, but I'm just saying... he's a really good guy. Don't turn him down right away, you never know! 

Char: Ugh! I'm not interested...

Nick: Please? If you really don't like him, at any point let me know and we can all leave. But just... don't be so quick to close him off! He has a lot to offer...

Char: Fine... but you don't get to say anything, I don't want it to be awkward. If he wants to get to know me, he can do the work. 

Nick: You have my words. *hugs Char* You're the best

Now I was kind of nervous. I thought I genuinely was here for Engfa, but turns out it was a setup. The truth behind my unwillingness is that, recently I've developed some feelings for a friend. A colleague turned friend to be exact. I've noticed I've had periods in my life where I just prefer a certain gender more than the other and honestly right now I'm at a point in life I want a girlfriend. Someone I can spoil and protect. 

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