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Engfa POV

It's been a week since breaking up with Nick and I spilled all my attention into work. I spent every waking moment occupying myself so I didn't have to deal with me feelings. Truth is I miss Nick, but still in a platonic way. But from spending all but good memories together, it's still was a hard decision for me to make. 

"Keep fighting for the girl if you really like her this much"

These words kept replaying in my head. To hear Nick say these words, despite me just breaking his heart, shows how I was right about his character, he was a great guy. It was also just a sad truth because I like Charlotte so much, every ounce of me, every part of me wanted her. But she was with Lisa. 

After a few attempts to reach me, my sister calls me when I end work later that Friday. She was concerned as to why I haven't really been reaching out to her or any of our other friends and was coming home at such late hours and then gone by the early mornings. I assure her nothing was going on, but obviously us being so close, she knew what was going on. She asks to go get dinner, but I turn her down. Later on the night, she knocks on my door when I was at home. 

Daad: Heyy, can I come in?

Fa: Yeah sure

Daad: What's going on with you? You're obviously going through something right now, is it you and Nick?

Fa: Oh uhm, we broke up 

Daad: Omg, why? I thought everything was going great. No wonder you have been acting strange

Fa: I'm fine, I was just busy with work 

Daad: What happened? You should come to me when you're sad, we're living under the same roof, I'm literally right next door

Fa: I'm not sad... I'm just...

Daad: Did he break up with you? Did he do something? Did you? 

Fa: I broke up with him...

Daad:  (sits next to Engfa in bed) 

Fa: It's not his fault, don't worry. You know he treated me right... It's all my fault *cries* 

Daad: (hugs Engfa) What did you do that was so unfixable? Did you guys talk it out?

Fa: No... it's just that... I've fallen for someone else

Daad: Oh... but I thought you liked him

Fa: I thought so too, but turns out I never did. I was just mistaking my feelings for something platonic

Daad: Okay, well... who is this guy? Someone from work? 

Fa: It's not like that... I... 

Daad: It's...?

Fa: I can't say...

Daad: Come on Fa,you know you can share anything with me

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