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Engfa POV

It has been three days since we have been back and last spoke to my mom. Missing a week of work unannounced meant that there were a pile of things waiting for me to handle. Every night, Char picks me up from work, but every night when I got home, it was too late to have talked to my mom. Today finally getting off on time, I was able to see my mom as she was having dinner. She quickly finishes what she was eating and tries to go back in her room again.

Engfa: Mae, please talk to me

Yet again, there was no luck as she just avoided me and would stay in her room all night. Not wanting to worsen this situation even more, I didn't think to force her to speak. We will patiently wait until she was ready. Even if it meant I would have to try every night, I will.

Char came over but would stay in her car, so for the shortest time, I'll hop in her car and we will just sit in each other's presence. Although this wasn't a good start to our relationship, considering having my mom's blessing would allow us to date without guilt and everything that happened with Nick. I was just happy to be sitting in the car with her, breathing the same air, staring at each other. I reassure Char every night, as it would've been stressful for her too. I know she respects her elders, especially it being my mom. After a brief meet up in her car, I went back into the house as it got late, hoping every night that the next day would be better and I would have a chance to speak with my mom.

Charlotte POV

It has been 5 days since we first came back from London and spoken to Engfa's mom. I had to stop my urges from going over everyday, hoping to change her mind. I was in no place to be so disrespectful and show up unannounced too. Especially knowing how she feels about me now. However, the last thing I would've expected was a call this afternoon.

Char: Hello? This is Charlotte, who am I speaking to?

Caller: ....

Char: Hello?

Mae: Hi Char, it's me... Mae...

Char: *Shocked* Mae! Hi, how are you?

Mae: Are you free later today? Or what time do you get off work?

Char: I am free any time, would you like me to come over?

Mae: I'll send you an address, let's meet there at 4pm later.

Char: Of course, I'll see you soon Mae! Be careful as you come.

Mae: Don't tell Engfa or P'Daad just yet, just come and we will talk.

It was a quick phone call, but it left me frozen in shock for a long time. Until I finally came to my senses, and realized I had to quickly take the rest of the day off and make my way over. Mae sends me the address to a cafe in the city. I wasn't sure what to expect at this point.

Making sure I got there early, I nervously sat down contemplating every little thing. And on the dot at 4:30, Mae comes walking in with a cane in her hand as she slowly makes her way over here. I jumped out of my seat and went over to give her a hand. After ordering drinks for us, I sat down clearly nervous looking at Mae who had no expression on her face. The same expressions she had from a few nights ago.

Char: Mae, I -

*cuts off Char*

Mae: Char~ This call must've scared you

Char: *nervously smiles*

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