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Engfa POV

After all of us getting drunk on Saturday night, the next day was just overcoming our hangover while doing our last days of sightseeing. My mom who was well rested had a full day of places she wanted to see and restaurants that she wanted to try so the four of us just did our best to follow.

Today is Monday which meant that it was the last day of this wonderful trip. We did some final shopping before we had a chill night eating at our favorite restaurant of this whole trip from last week, which was this Italian place near the hotel with the best Sangria I have ever tasted. Everyone was now completely beat from the 2 weeks of travelling and so after our lovely dinner we decided to head back to the hotel and pack.

Packing would also take us a while since I'm sure we all over shopped and it would be a miracle that we could even manage to fit everything into the luggages. Dolly and my mom who shopped the least offered to let us store some things in their luggages to help us out. Finally, after an hour of physically beating and stuffing our luggages yet still barely being able to zip, we managed to pack up everything that we have bought.

While my sister was in the shower, I wanted to go get some snacks from the convenience store across the hotel. In my pajamas, I quickly went to pick up some beer and chips hoping to return to the room and have a peaceful last night watching movies that the hotel offers. Crossing the road back to the hotel, I see Charlotte and Tina coming out of the hotel. They too had the same thought to purchase some food and drinks to enjoy the last night of the trip.

Tina: Engfa!

Engfa: Hi girls! Where you guys heading to?

Char: Just to get some food at 7-11

Engfa: GIrl~ Same~! I just got myself a large bag too *lifting bag up*

Tina: How did you feel yesterday, the hangover was BAD

(Engfa naturally joins Charlotte and Tina)

Engfa: We could barely move, but my mom had so many places she still wanted to visit

Char: We had a brunch reservation that we couldn't even make it to on time. It was unbearable~

Engfa: *laughing* We really did drink too much

Char: Where are the others?

Engfa: They're too tired to leave the room, you guys?

Char: Same, they're all about to go to bed. But Tina and I found out there's actually a rooftop in our hotel that allows you to chill while having a view of the harbour

Tina: You should join us!

Engfa: Oh what! How did we not know about this earlier, I'd be up there every night then!

Char: We only found out overhearing from a group of guys in the lift

Engfa: I'm glad I ran into you guys then, let's go!

After Charlotte and Tina pays for their food, we head on up to the rooftop. It was a beautiful space with various types of seats for everyone's preferences filled with fairy lights that circled around the area. From afar you can spot the beautiful Harbour Bridge and the busy city night life that leads up to it. I was expecting to return to the room after the food run so I definitely was underdressed to be sitting out here in this cold. Tina and Charlotte on the other hand, had brought along a thin blanket and was in their padded jackets.

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