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Charlotte POV

For the next week we did a lot of out door activities like hiking, visiting the famous Bondi Beach, went skiing at Blue Mountain Resort and so on. Our friend Nick who has moved to Sydney was the ultimate guide bringing us to every gem in the city. Time was passing by so quickly and we were all enjoying ourselves so much that two days before our flight, up to much debate we managed to extend our trip and stay for an extra 4 days. Although it was hard extending everything and informing our workplaces, but for some miraculous reason we all successfully managed to extend our holiday.

Nick: That's amazing! There's still so many hot places I need to show you guys

Charlotte: I also want to visit the bar from last week again, it was so fun. The vibes were on point. 

Champ: Yeah I wonder if that cute bartender is still there

Folke: I told you I think he digs me

Champ: No, he gave us free shots because I asked

Nick: Sorry but I think he's straight, he kept looking at Tina

Heidi: At Tina? 

Marima: Is someone jealous? 

Heidi: Tina isn't interested

Tina: *smiles*

Charlotte: Well then we have to go and confirm

Nick: Let's go Saturday night, it's R&B night

Folke: I'll show you he's not straight

Nick: I'll invite this really pretty girl I met last week, she came with her family from Bangkok

Charlotte: The more the merrier, let's do it

Engfa POV

Last day in Melbourne before we drive back to Sydney, I received a text from Nick, the guy whom I met on our first night. He said his friends extended their travels and said we should join them on a night out this coming Saturday. At first I contemplated, but also what's a better night out than having a local bring us to a local spot. After sharing the idea with my sister, Dolly, and Sun they eagerly said yes. 

I confirmed with him that the 4 of us was going and didn't realise I would have a night out here, I didn't bring any party clothes. Which was an good excuse for the four of us to go on a shopping spree that Friday after coming back from Melbourne. I come out of the bathroom in a  black, tight sexy low cut for the night tonight. 

Dolly: Damn, be careful not to catch a cold showing your girls out like this

Engfa: Everyone here dresses like this for drinks, I'm trying to be one with the locals *laughing*

Sun: Someone seems to be dressing up for Nick

Dolly: Be careful, he might lose his mind seeing you like this

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